Tapping, Tapping (Tapotement)

Tapping, Tapotement - a massage technique during which the massage therapist quickly and frequently taps the edge of his palm on any part of the patient’s body. Tapping the chest wall in people suffering from bronchitis often improves the separation of mucus from the walls of the airways and makes it easier to cough up.

A massage technique during which the massage therapist quickly and frequently taps the edge of the palm on any part of the patient’s body. Tapping the chest wall in people suffering from bronchitis often improves the separation of mucus from the walls of the airways and makes it easier to cough up.

Greetings to all massage friends! In this post I want to talk about one interesting massage technique - tapping or effleurage (tapotement). Many of us may already be familiar with this technique, but I'm sure it will be a pleasant discovery for many.

Tapping or effleurage is one of the techniques of mechanical action on body tissue during massage. This technique can be applied in different areas of medicine and is used to achieve various goals. For example, tapping on the chest wall in patients with bronchitis improves sputum separation and, accordingly, makes it easier to cough up.