Mez- (Mes-), Me30- (Myo-)

Mes- (Mes-), Me30- (Myo-) - a prefix denoting the middle or medial location of something. This prefix is ​​often used in anatomical and medical terminology to refer to structures located in the middle part of an organ or tissue.

For example:

  1. Mesoderm - middle germ layer.

  2. Mesocolon is the part of the colon between the proximal and distal parts.

  3. Mesophyll is the middle layer of a plant leaf.

  4. Mesocarp is the middle layer of the pericarp.

  5. Mesothelioma is a tumor arising from the mesothelium (the middle layer of the peritoneum).

Thus, the prefix mes-/myo- indicates an intermediate or central location of structures in the anatomy of humans, animals and plants.

Mes- and Me30 are prefixes used in anatomy and physiology to indicate the medial location of something, such as muscles, nerves or blood vessels. They come from the Greek word “mesos”, which means “middle” or “medial”.

In anatomy, Mez- is used to refer to muscles and their location in the body. For example, “Mesopectoralis muscle” means that this muscle is located in the middle of the chest. Mez- can also be used to indicate the location of nerves and blood vessels, for example, “Mez-nerve” means that the nerve is located in the middle of the body.

Me30 is also used in anatomy to refer to muscles, but in this case it is used to refer to their location relative to the body. For example, Me30-pectoral muscle means that the muscle is located on the thirtieth meridian line, that is, in the middle of the chest.

Thus, Mes- and Me30 are important prefixes in anatomy that help determine the location of muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the human body.

Latin has prefix roots whose infinitive ends in -io (the prefix can be shortened to -i + o). There are only five such prefixes, among them myo- - myo- and meso- - mes-. They denote a state, proximity to something, or its middle position. They are respectively called Myo-, Meso-.

Mys- - My (my) mis- - my (my) mes- - mine (in English) (from Latin the verb to massage was formed - to massage) mez- - average (m) mia- (mya-) - my myato-