
Mesenchymoplasty is a plastic surgery to replace a soft tissue defect.

Mesenchyme (from the Greek μεσός - middle and εγχυμα - nipple) is an intercellular substance of connective tissue, consisting of collagen fibers and ground substance.

The operation is performed in cases where it is necessary to restore the skin after injuries, burns, frostbite, operations on the face and body.

The essence of the operation is that a special material containing mesenchymal cells is introduced into the area of ​​the defect. They begin to actively multiply and form new connective tissue. As a result, complete restoration of the skin occurs.

The method has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are:

  1. Rapid tissue restoration;
  2. No need for long-term rehabilitation;
  3. Low risk of complications.


  1. High cost of the operation;
  2. The need for additional research before surgery.

Mesenchyplasty: Modification of epithelial tissues for regeneration and healing

Mesenchyplasty, also known as epithelial desmoplasty, is the process of shaping and forming epithelial tissues using mesenchymal stem cells. This innovative approach to regenerative medicine has the potential to transform the treatment of various diseases and injuries associated with epithelial tissues.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multifunctional cells with the ability to differentiate into various types