Diver drainage

Diver drainage

Introduction to the concept

The drainage system is one of the main elements in the construction of roads and sidewalks. It is designed to remove excess moisture that can cause serious problems for the road surface, such as deformation, deterioration, corrosion and even partial destruction of the entire road surface. Overall, drainage systems are an important part of highway engineering and provide stability and durability to the surface of road infrastructure.

**What is the importance of drainage?**

As mentioned, water is a major factor that can cause pavement problems. Water causes soil erosion and destroys road surfaces. In addition, water creates additional stress on the asphalt, which can lead not only to the formation of cracks, but also to the complete destruction of the road surface after some time. That is why, when designing a highway, great attention should be paid to drainage issues.

Recently, the use of road storm drains, or, as they are also called, stormwater wells and stormwater gratings, has become increasingly popular. Despite the higher cost of installing rainwater wells compared to conventional drainpipes, this method has a number of advantages. First, it allows for greater efficiency and reduces the amount of water flowing along the road and collecting in nearby natural springs. Secondly, gutters help prevent clogged drains and therefore minimize repair costs. Thirdly, when using separate storm water inlets, it can be confidently stated that this type of drainage ensures the safe operation of highways, being a kind of anti-crisis measure system. Indeed, thanks to modern rainwater wells and drainage systems installed on the highway, it is possible to promptly prevent any possible causes of accidents and unexpected breakdowns, as well as avoid additional problems associated with replacing highways and asphalt sections.

Today we are talking about what types of drainpipes can be used on roads. The first thing I would like to draw attention to is the differences in storm water inlets in terms of design. In addition, we will look at the different types of storm drain pipes. In addition to the main use of stormwater inlet structures as reliable water connections, they are used not only for laying storm drains, but also for industrial drains. Modern drainage is carried out using different materials: for example, with concrete, metal, cast iron, plastic and polymer coating, which determines its practical and operational efficiency.

Next, we will consider the features of installing various types of rainwater inlet systems without the use of side stones, which are distinguished by the greatest aesthetics. In this case, cellular and open drains are used, without