Межмышчельковое Возвышение [Intercondylar Eminence, Pna; Intercondyloid Eminence (Tibiae), Bna; Intercondylar eminence, Jna]

Intercondylar Elevation

Intercondylar Elevation (lat. Eminentia Intercondylaris, Eminentia Intercondyloidea, Eminentia Intercondylica) is an elevation between the condyles of the tibia, on the sides of which the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are attached.

The intercondylar eminence is located in the lower part of the tibia between its medial and lateral condyles. It has the appearance of a ridge protruding anterior to the intercondylar fossa.

The anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint is attached to the anterior surface of the Intercondylar Eminence, and the posterior cruciate ligament is attached to the posterior surface. These ligaments provide stability to the knee joint.

Thus, the Intercondylar Eminence plays an important role in the anatomy of the knee joint, being the site of attachment of the cruciate ligaments, which stabilize the joint.

The intercondylar eminence is a raised area on the surface of the tibial condyles. It is located between the medial and lateral impacting heads of the condyle. The anterior cruciate ligament is attached to one edge of the eminence, and the posterior cruciate ligament is attached to the other.

The intercondylar eminence is called in the neurosurgical literature to show the difference between the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. There is a small gap between them where the intercondylar gap is located. The posterior cruciate ligament runs along one edge of this eminence, forming the posterior wall of the epicondyle