
Mesoblast: what is it and why is it needed?

Mesoblast (mesoblastus) is one of three germ layers formed during embryogenesis in many animal species, including humans. It is formed as a result of gastrulation, a process during which the gastrula is formed from the blastula (the resulting stage of the original embryo), containing three germinal layers - endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm.

The mesoblast plays an important role in the development of the embryo, since it is from it that many organs and tissues are formed, such as the heart, circulatory system, muscles, bones, cartilage, kidneys, gonads, etc. The mesoblast is also the starting material for the formation of mesenchymal cells, which can promote tissue healing and play an important role in the body's immune response.

Mesoblast studies are important for understanding the processes of embryonic development and various pathologies associated with defects in embryonic development. In addition, the study of the mesoblast may have practical applications in medicine, for example, in the creation of tissue engineered structures and the treatment of heart failure.

In conclusion, the mesoblast is an important component of embryonic development and plays a key role in the formation of various organs and tissues. The study of the mesoblast is of great importance for understanding embryonic development and may have practical applications in medicine.

Mesoblasts - building cells

Mesoblasts are fairly small cells that are part of the blastema. The blastema itself is a tissue that can be tumorous, or can regenerate itself (for example, during fractures). So, mesoblasts, first of all, are engaged in what new blastemas do (these cells, it must be understood, mature in the blastema chamber). Mesoblasts can also transform into such building cells for the restoration of non-oncogenic tissues. They are also very useful in wound healing. These cells can perform many functions because they need to do everything that they are responsible for or that they are “specialized” to do.

This is a brief summary of the work of mesoblasts. Included in mesoblasts