

The world is constantly changing, and the role of technology in our lives is also growing steadily. One of the most popular areas related to technology is the creation of smart devices and systems that can help people in many aspects of their lives, from health to personal safety. However, in addition to the benefits brought by technology, there are also privacy concerns. Sometimes new technologies can not only violate our privacy, but also lead to new threats to the security of both individuals and society as a whole.

The essence of the article:

One of the newest technologies that is already beginning to concern the general public is the so-called “Internet of Things” or IoT (Internet of Things). It is a network of physical objects, such as household appliances, clothing, toys, furniture, etc., that are connected to the Internet and can be controlled remotely through smartphones, computers, or other devices. For example, we can control their temperature, switching on and off 2 km from home, as well as