Micro Brachycephaly

"Micro-brachycephaly: history and medical significance"


Micro-brachycephaly is a special case of a common condition known as Brachycephaly (Slump Skull). Both terms come from the Greek word "brachys", meaning "low" or "small".

Microbrachycephaly is a developmental anomaly of the skull in which the head is very small in size compared to the body. This condition may be due to various factors, such as genetic mutations, abnormalities in brain development, or exposure of the fetus to harmful environmental factors during pregnancy.

Microbrachycephaly usually appears in children between 1 and 3 years of age. The head is small in size, and the face looks small and disproportionate. These children may have problems with speech, hearing and vision, as well as learning difficulties due to lack of brain space.

Treating microbrachycephalization can be difficult, but in some cases, surgery to increase the size of the head can help. You may also need special therapy aimed at improving brain activity and speech development.

It is important to note that microbrachycephaly cannot be considered a disease, since it is only a developmental anomaly. However, it requires special attention from parents and doctors to ensure the normal development of the child and prevent possible complications.