Sphygmography Direct

Direct sphygmography: what it is and how it works

Sphygmography is a research method that allows you to assess the condition of blood vessels and the heart. There are several types of sphygmography, one of which is direct sphygmography.

Direct sphygmography is a method in which the sensor is attached directly to the wall of the artery. This allows you to obtain more accurate data on pulse waves and pressure in the artery.

To carry out direct sphygmography, a special device is used - a sphygmomanometer. This device consists of a cuff that is placed on the patient's shoulder and a sensor that is placed on the wall of an artery on the wrist or finger.

The pressure in the cuff is gradually increased until blood flow in the artery is blocked. The cuff then begins to slowly lower and the sensor records the pulse waves passing through the artery.

The results of direct sphygmography can be used to assess various parameters, such as systolic and diastolic pressure, pulse pressure, arterial stiffness index and others. These parameters can be useful for assessing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke and others.

In addition, direct sphygmography can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for cardiovascular diseases and to evaluate the effects of certain medications.

In conclusion, direct sphygmography is an important research method that allows you to obtain more accurate data on the condition of the blood vessels and heart. It may be useful for both diagnosis and treatment monitoring of cardiovascular diseases.

Sphygmography is a technique for recording pulse pressure fluctuations in the arteries. Along with classical sphygmography, which records the phases of blood pressure pulsation, there is a method of direct sphygmophogography - S., the sensor (recording device) is fixed directly in the artery wall, and the image obtained by recording is called direct. The direct S. method can be considered the most objective, since it allows one to obtain a qualitative characteristic of pressure fluctuations at the very point of its origin, compare the examination results with standards, and quickly determine the presence of critical cardiovascular pathology.