
Microbe is another name for a microorganism.

Microorganisms are tiny organisms that can only be seen under a microscope. These include bacteria, viruses, single-celled fungi and protozoa.

Microbes play an important role in nature and human life. Many of them participate in the circulation of substances and help process organic compounds. Other microorganisms cause disease.

Thus, the terms "microbe" and "microorganism" are synonymous and refer to the smallest forms of life that are invisible to the naked eye.

A germ is a microorganism that can cause disease in humans or animals. It can be either pathogenic or harmless. Pathogenic microbes can cause various diseases, such as influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and others. Harmless microbes are found in the intestines of humans and animals and are involved in the digestion process.

The microbial flora of humans and animals is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that microbes constantly interact with each other and with the environment. Some of them may be beneficial for humans and animals, for example, lactobacilli, which are involved in digestion and protect against harmful microbes.

To prevent diseases caused by germs, it is necessary to maintain hygiene, wash your hands before eating and after visiting public places, and also avoid contact with sick people. It is also important to monitor your diet and consume enough vitamins and minerals.