How to store cheese in the refrigerator and keep it fresh for a long time?

Like all dairy products, cheese requires special attention. If storage rules are not followed, this high-protein dairy product will begin to dry out, change its taste, appearance and, ultimately, become unsuitable for food. Improper storage will speed up the ripening process, because cheese is a living product that is continuously in the process of development.

So, the question on the agenda is: how to store cheese in the refrigerator and keep it fresh for as long as possible? To properly store cheese, there should be neither high temperature (this spoils its structure) nor low temperature (this spoils the product itself). And the humidity should be approximately 90% so that it does not mold or dry out. Optimal for storage: 5-8 degrees Celsius - just the standard temperature for a typical home refrigerator.

Here are a number of useful tips that will help you extend the life of your favorite treat as long as possible:

  1. Cheese must be stored wrapped, this prevents the cheese from drying out, molding and absorbing foreign odors.
  2. Do not store large pieces of cheese in a sealed container, but rather wrap them in parchment or cling paper (film).
  3. But try to keep small pieces of cheese in the refrigerator in a saucepan (enamel or glass). And to remove excess moisture, you need to place a piece of refined sugar in a container and change it periodically for fresh one.
  4. Do not expose cheese to sudden temperature changes. A great place for storage is on the bottom shelf.
  5. If the situation forces you to store cheese without a refrigerator, then wrap it in a cloth soaked in salt water and do not place it in the sun. This will allow you to store hard cheeses for a week, and soft and processed cheeses for 2 days.
  6. Be sure to store different types of cheese separately. In this particular case, the proverb: “they won’t fight” does not work.
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