Microtome Sanny

A sled microtome is a microtome in which the knife moves relative to a stationary sample. Unlike a rotary microtome, where the sample rotates and the knife is stationary, in a sled microtome the knife moves back and forth, cutting thin sections from the sample mounted in a special holder.

The operating principle of a sled microtome is as follows: the sample is placed in a holder and fixed in it using clamps or wax. The holder with the sample remains motionless. The knife, fixed in a special mechanism, makes reciprocating movements, cutting thin sections of a given thickness from the sample. The thickness of the cut is adjusted using a micrometer screw.

Sled microtomes allow you to obtain sections with a thickness of 2 to 60 microns. They are used in histology, cytology, metallography and other fields for the manufacture of preparations that are subject to further study under a microscope. The sled microtome is characterized by its simple design, convenience and reliability in operation.

A sled microtome is a medical instrument designed for performing thin-muscular sections of tissues and organs up to 25 mm thick in a patient. A microtome can be mobile or stationary, the latter having a stationary chamber and a movable object.

In the process of creating a microtome, there are 3 main stages: 1. Making a cutting knife. To ensure ease of sharpening, the knife is made of spring steel; 2. Making an object. Objects can be aluminum, brass, copper, enamel-coated medical instruments; 3. Creation of fastening of knives and other parts. For knives, stamping and hardening rollers can be used.

This device can produce the following types of cuts: - thin muscle. It is used for excision of single and group formations, for example, with papillary and follicular cysts, as well as for excision of tumors using a Teflon-coated electric knife. It is considered the simplest and cheapest method, used mainly in cosmetology; - epitaxial. Used to remove tumors, dilated veins, pathological scars; - narrow-muscular.