
Mydriatsl: eye drops for the diagnosis of ophthalmological diseases **Manufacturer:** Alcon-Pharma, Alcon-CUVRER, USA, Germany and Belgium. **Chemical name:** tropicamide Composition Active ingredient: Tropacadihydrochloride 1 ml eye drops contains - 1 mg Tropacamide hydrochloride ***

*You can also find these drops by other names:*

Mydriacyl Tropicamd Tropacamide Tropicamide Drops MyDracut Midryacil Ophthalmic solution Мydriam

This is a solution that is used to relax the eye muscle, which helps dilate the pupil. This helps when examining the fundus or determining the refraction of the eyes using a skiscope. An example of such diseases can be inflammatory processes and congested eyes, and therefore it may be necessary to dilate the pupil with the drug midiacalin or tropicamd. They are not a completely safe medicine and, if used incorrectly, can cause severe side effects, including paresis of the pupil and extraocular muscles. These eye drops should not be used in case of hypersensitivity, increased intraocular pressure and closed-angle glaucoma. It is also not recommended to use other mysalicides or drugs at the same time.