Mycotoxicosis Acute Alimentary

Acute alimentary mycotoxicosis: danger of food intoxication

Acute nutritional mycotoxicosis, also known as mycotoxicosis alimentaria acuta, is a serious disease caused by eating food contaminated with mycotoxins, toxic substances produced by certain types of molds. This form of mycotoxicosis is an acute intoxication and can have serious consequences for human health.

Mycotoxins are natural metabolites of molds that can grow on a variety of foods such as grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and meat. Depending on the type of mold and the conditions under which it grows, mycotoxins can have various toxic properties. Some of them can cause allergic reactions, others - hepatotoxicity or neurotoxicity. However, in the case of acute nutritional mycotoxicosis, acute food poisoning is usually observed.

Symptoms of acute nutritional mycotoxicosis may vary depending on the type of mycotoxin consumed and the individual characteristics of the organism. However, the most common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness and dizziness. In some cases, allergic reactions such as skin rash or swelling may occur.

Determining mycotoxins in food is a complex process requiring specialized analysis. To prevent cases of acute nutritional mycotoxicosis, it is necessary to take certain precautions when storing and preparing food. It is important to monitor the quality of products, especially those that have been exposed to moisture or have been left for a suspiciously long time. It is also recommended to avoid eating food with visible signs of mold.

If you suspect acute nutritional mycotoxicosis, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Diagnosis is based on analysis of symptoms, food consumption history, and laboratory tests to determine the presence of mycotoxins in the body.

Treatment of acute nutritional mycotoxicosis consists of removing toxins from the body and symptomatic therapy to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Patients are prescribed rehydration, medications to relieve nausea and vomiting, antihistamines to reduce allergic reactions, and other medications depending on the specific symptoms and condition of the patient.

Prevention of acute nutritional mycotoxicosis includes compliance with hygiene rules when storing and preparing food. It is important to monitor food expiration dates and avoid eating food with suspicious symptoms, such as an unusual odor, discoloration or mold. It is also recommended to properly store products to prevent cross-contamination, and to prefer fresh and high-quality products.

Acute nutritional mycotoxicosis poses a serious threat to human health. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to the quality of food, especially foods that may be susceptible to mycotoxin contamination. Taking precautions and hygiene helps reduce the risk of developing this disease. If suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to receive qualified help and diagnosis.

Acute nutritional mycotoxicosis is a reminder that food quality plays an important role in maintaining health. Careful handling of food selection, storage and preparation is an integral part of caring for our own well-being and the well-being of our loved ones.