
Microgyria is a pathology of brain development that manifests itself in the form of small, pinpoint and irregularly shaped gyri in the brain tissue. This condition can be caused by various factors, such as genetic abnormalities, infections during pregnancy, or trauma during fetal development.

Microgyria can have various symptoms, which depend on its severity and location. The most common symptoms are problems with memory, attention, speech and motor skills. Headaches, seizures and other neurological disorders may also occur.

To diagnose microgyria, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used, which allows you to see changes in the brain and determine the extent and location of the pathology. Treatment for microgyria depends on its severity and symptoms, but may include medication, physical therapy, speech therapy, and other treatments.

In general, microgyria is a fairly serious pathology that can lead to serious disturbances in brain function. However, with timely detection and treatment, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the patient’s condition and improve his quality of life.

Microgyria is a fairly rare disorder of brain development that occurs in only one in two thousand people. This disease causes brain tissue to be unevenly distributed and made up of small clumps and voids. The disease appears almost immediately after birth and can cause serious problems with the health and development of the child.

**Causes of microgyria**

Microgyria is caused by a genetic defect in brain development during the embryonic phase of development. Usually the brain structure is formed in a uniform manner, but in the case of microgyria, many anomalies and defects of the brain tissue are observed. The reasons can be different, for example, a chromosomal abnormality or the absence of a specific gene.

Symptoms of microgyria may include:

Learning difficulties Vision and hearing problems Nervous disorders and autistic characteristics Intellectual problems Developmental or behavioral defects in children Enlargement of the head or neck Weak or sparse hair Disturbances in movement of various parts of the body. A child with microgyria is likely to experience decreased intelligence and learning problems, as is the risk of developing symptoms such as hemiplegia (impaired motor functions of half the body), dysarthria (problem with the ability to speak), and aphasia (delay in the ability to develop speech and think).

Children with microgyria need special care and attention in their early development as they may be exposed to