Microscope Electronic

An electron microscope is a device that allows you to study very small objects, up to several tens of nanometers in size, using electron beams. This device allows you to obtain an enlarged image of an object hundreds of thousands of times.

The operating principle of an electron microscope is based on the use of electromagnetic lenses to focus a beam of electrons. Electrons pass through the object and land on a special matrix, which registers their passage. The image is then processed and displayed enlarged.

An electron microscope has many advantages over optical microscopes. It allows you to study objects at a deeper level and obtain more accurate results. In addition, an electron microscope can work with a variety of materials, including living cells and tissues.

However, the electron microscope also has disadvantages. It requires special training and equipment and can be expensive. In addition, the use of electrons may damage objects.

Overall, the electron microscope is an important tool for studying very small objects and can be used in various fields of science and technology.

Electronic microscope.

With the advent of electron microscopes, widespread and deep scientific insight into the molecular structure of tissue has become a reality. However, electron microscopes cannot be used to study living cells. Such devices are produced for biologists who deal with materials consisting of cellular or organic nature or containing its components. For example, researchers analyzing living cells typically use very large areas to produce blurry images. During operation, electron microscopes can easily pass through the oxide layer and photograph DNA strands or chromosomes, which is a step forward in the study of DNA. If electron microscopy were sent back in time, we would be able to see even simple cells. In the end, this type of electron microscope has clear advantages:

High magnification level. Ten thousand times. The images are very clear and transparent. Thanks to the low optical density of the screen, it can show many details at once. It also has good scanning speed, even high-resolution frames can be captured in the blink of an eye, allowing us to carry out quick and painless analysis. Only one ray of light can pass through an object. The electric fields are very weak, there is no magnetic field, so the voltage is very low, but at the same time high mechanical reliability. Due to the high resolution of the microscope, it is less possible to obtain a contrast image than anywhere else. This feature is useful for those scientists who want to study heterogeneous environments. Other types of microscopes require special environments for each type of object - this increases the cost of analysis and reduces its relevance, since each stage of testing requires additional costs. Due to the absence of refraction of electric fields, an electron microscope allows one to obtain clear images of very interesting materials, for example, powdery substances.