Myxedema Papuleznaya

**Myxedema papular** *—* is a disorder of the endocrine system that can lead to serious consequences for human health. This disease is associated with a deficiency of thyroid hormones and their poor absorption by the body. As a result, myxedema develops, which manifests itself in the form of swelling, weakness, constant fatigue, constipation, high blood cholesterol and other symptoms.

Causes of the disease

Thyroid hormone deficiency can be caused by various factors. One of the most common is congenital hypothyroidism, a pathology of the development of the thyroid gland at an early stage during the first year of life. Misedena can also be caused by injuries, inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland, or the consequences of intoxication with chemical products or heavy metal poisoning.

There are three types of myxedema: congenital, transient or clinical, and chronic. Congenital myxedema is inherited approximately a generation after a healthy parent (most often in brothers and siblings)