Trophoblastic tumor

Tropholoistic tumor | Down syndrome

Trophic (tuberculatory) tumor is a malignant neoplasm of gestational histogenesis, developing as a result of a disruption of the reaction of the uterine stroma and the penetration of trophoblastic elements from the yolk sac through the fimbriae. The original name of the tumor - trophoblastomosis (tropho-trophobastille) was proposed in 1875 by A. Maynier and L. Hanot due to the fact that trophoblastic tumor is a loose proliferation of one of the sources of embryonic

Trophoblastic tumor, or trophoblastic disease, is a very dangerous cancer. The exact origin of this tumor is not known, but there is an assumption that it may be viral or genetic in nature. As a result of the study of biopsy material, a set of antigenic markers was identified that characterize this form of malignant neoplasms as a manifestation of diseases of the immune system.