Myxedema Adults Localized

Myxedema localized in adults

Myxedema localized in adults is a rare endocrine disease, characterized by nodular skin lesions and manifested by lymphocytic infiltration of the skin of the upper extremities, face and neck. When the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the upper extremities is involved in the process, nodes and plaques quickly appear. They are chronic in nature, develop over a long period of time, with periods of exacerbation and remission. Over time, nodular hygromatosis becomes resistant to therapeutic treatments. Long-term complex treatment with hormonal medications is required. Without adequate medical intervention, they can lead to disability. Timely diagnosis will allow you to begin complex therapy to improve the patient’s quality of life and prevent negative consequences. It is important for patients to monitor a vital blood indicator - the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), avoid stress and eat well.