Military Operation

Vojacek Operation is a surgical procedure performed to remove a malignant neoplasm. This is one of the most complex and important operations in medicine, which requires high professionalism and experience from the surgeon.

The Vojacek operation was developed in 1948 by Soviet surgeon Vladimir Ivanovich Vojacek. It involves removing a malignant tumor through an incision in the abdominal cavity. The surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen and then removes the tumor through this incision.

Despite the complexity and responsibility of this operation, it is highly effective and allows you to save the patient’s life. However, complications such as bleeding, infection, damage to internal organs and others may occur after Vojacek surgery.

In conclusion, Vojacek's procedure is one of the most difficult and dangerous surgical procedures, but it can save the patient's life. Surgeons must be experienced and skilled to perform this operation successfully.