Milk Rash

Milk Rash is the appearance of a red rash on the face in the form of pimples in a child during the first few months of life.

This type of rash occurs due to the sensitivity of the baby's immature skin to the proteins in the cow's milk that is fed to the baby. The reason is that the baby's immune system is not yet fully developed and cannot cope with the proteins in milk.

Characteristic signs of a milk rash:

  1. Small red bumps on the cheeks, forehead, chin and around the mouth
  2. Itching and irritation in areas of the rash
  3. Deterioration of skin condition after feeding a baby milk

This rash is not dangerous to the child’s health and goes away on its own as his immunity matures, usually by 3-6 months of age. No treatment required. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use baby creams and ointments for irritation.

In rare cases, a milk rash may persist longer and become chronic. Then it may be necessary to completely eliminate dairy products from the child's diet. The rash usually goes away within 2 weeks after stopping milk.

According to many researchers, this disease is caused by congenital diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract of the child. Some also believe that it is a manifestation of anemia, dysbiosis or hypothyroidism. In infants, this disease is most often caused by infectious diseases - enterobiasis, salmonellosis. Food intolerance can also cause a baby to develop a milk rash.

But it is not yet possible to accurately determine the causes of the development of this disease. This is due to the fact that the primary manifestations of milk acne in most cases are associated with the immune factors of the child’s body. Mom's hormones may also have an effect. For infants, there may be a slight decrease in iodine in mother's milk, which manifests itself in the head area (in infants, occipital milk pimples). In adult women, skin rashes on the neck may indicate hormonal imbalances and other health problems. After undergoing examinations of his body, including the liver, gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland, an adult will be able to make sure that negative processes do not occur to him. From the first months of his life, a child should be under the close supervision of mothers and pediatricians.