Miminoshvili Scissors

Miminoshvili Scissors: Tool of the Soviet ophthalmologist

Miminoshvili scissors, also known as enucleation scissors, are an important tool in the field of ophthalmology. This medical instrument got its name in honor of the Soviet ophthalmologist Sergei Yakovlevich Miminoshvili, who made a significant contribution to the development of surgical treatment of eye diseases.

Miminoshvili scissors are a special type of surgical scissors designed specifically for enucleation operations, that is, removal of the eye. This procedure may be necessary for severe eye diseases such as malignant tumors or traumatic injuries.

Miminoshvili scissors have a special design that allows you to perform the operation accurately and controlled. The tool consists of two sharp blades that meet in a grip and can be fixed in the desired position. This allows the surgeon to enucleate with high precision and minimal damage to surrounding tissue.

It is important to note that Miminoshvili scissors are not a universal tool and are used only in certain cases. The use of Miminoshvili scissors requires experience and special training on the part of an ophthalmologist. Such operations are carried out in specialized clinics or hospitals where the necessary equipment and qualified personnel are available.

Sergei Yakovlevich Miminoshvili made a significant contribution to the development of ophthalmology and eye surgery. He was recognized as an expert in his field and performed many operations that saved the eyesight and lives of patients. His name has become synonymous with quality and reliability in ophthalmic surgery, and Miminoshvili scissors have become one of the most recognizable instruments in this field.

In conclusion, Miminoshvili scissors are a special instrument used in ophthalmology for enucleation of the eye. They bear the name of the outstanding Soviet ophthalmologist Sergei Yakovlevich Miminoshvili, who made a significant contribution to the development of this field of medicine. Miminoshvili scissors have become a symbol of high quality and precision in ophthalmic surgery and continue to be used in specialized clinics around the world to perform complex eye surgeries. Miminoshvili Scissors: The Tool of a Soviet Ophthalmologist

Miminoshvili scissors, also known as scissors for enucleation, are an important instrument in the field of ophthalmology. This medical tool is named after Soviet ophthalmologist Sergey Yakovlevich Miminoshvili, who made significant contributions to the development of surgical treatment for eye disorders.

Miminoshvili scissors are a special type of surgical scissors designed specifically for enucleation procedures, which involve the removal of the eye. This procedure may be necessary for severe eye conditions such as malignant tumors or traumatic injuries.

The Miminoshvili scissors have a distinctive construction that allows for precise and controlled surgical operations. The instrument consists of two sharp blades that converge at the grip and can be locked in place. This enables the surgeon to perform enucleation with high accuracy and minimal damage to the surrounding tissues.

It is important to note that Miminoshvili scissors are not a universal tool and are only used in specific cases. The application of Miminoshvili scissors requires experience and specialized training on the part of the ophthalmologist. Such surgeries are conducted in specialized clinics or hospitals equipped with the necessary facilities and qualified personnel.

Sergey Yakovlevich Miminoshvili made significant contributions to the field of ophthalmology and eye surgery. He was recognized as an expert in his field and performed numerous operations that saved the vision and lives of patients. His name became synonymous with quality and reliability in ophthalmic surgery, and Miminoshvili scissors have become one of the most recognizable instruments in this field.

In conclusion, Miminoshvili scissors are a specialized tool used in ophthalmology for eye enucleation. They bear the name of the distinguished Soviet ophthalmologist Sergey Yakovlevich Miminoshvili, who made significant contributions to this field of medicine. Miminoshvili scissors have become a symbol of high quality and precision in ophthalmic surgery and continue to be used in specialized clinics worldwide to perform complex eye operations.

В медицине редко встречается инструмент, который используется для разных видов операций. Одним из таких инструментов являются Миминошвили ножниц. Они применяются в области офтальмологии и представляют собой весьма полезный инструмент с уникальными особенностями. Ножниц Миминошвили служит исключительно для удаления глаза.

Ножницы Миминови были разработаны в 1980 году советским офтальмологом С.Я. Миминошвили. В научной работе был описан алгоритм и методы техники проведения операций, а также рекомендации по уходу за ранами после процедуры. Эти ножницы используются в ходе операций по удалению глаз у людей - энуклерации.

Как именно используются эти ножницы? Операция (энуклеация) начинается с введения небольшой инъекции в глазное яблоко пациента. После этого производится рассечение тканей, но только на небольшой глубине. Цель этой операции заключается в разделении наружной капсульной оболочки, из которой впоследствии удалят оперируемое глазное яблоко. Затем, используя эти ножницы хирург приступает к непосредственно удалению глазного яблока.

Уникальность Миминоши ножниц заключается в том, что операция с их помощью может проводиться под любым углом как правило, существуют два вида этих ножниц - ножниц Шнобеля и ножниц Миминови. Ножницы Шнобеля используются для манипуляций с передней воронкой глазного яблока, а Миминовы - для того, чтобы разрезать его задний капсульный мешок. Применение любой из этих двух модификаций необходимо для успешного проведения операции по удалению глаза - энукляции.

How Miminoshel works Unfortunately, the process of their work is quite simple. The operation to remove the eye occurs in several stages: First, it is necessary to make a small incision in the muscles surrounding the eyelid. It is best to do this quickly and without damage. Otherwise, bleeding and the risk of wound infection may occur. Next, you need to free the fat body from the tissue of the surrounding muscles. The posterior wall of the fascial sheath is then released. After this, you need to carefully remove the capsule shell. For this purpose, miminoshiltev scissors are used. You should be very careful when doing this, since the blades are designed to remove a small layer of skin - 3-4 millimeters thick. The operation itself is carried out very quickly. It usually takes about 15 minutes from the start of the procedure to its completion. However, in some cases. Removing an eye can take quite a long time - several hours. It may be necessary to perform similar manipulations with different organs more than once; in this case, the procedure may take longer.