Almond oil for facial massage


A massage procedure is one of the most ancient ways to relax the body and tone the muscles. It helps to avoid stress and make the body more attractive and fit.

Most often during massage, attention is paid to the body and neck. But this procedure can also have a positive effect on the appearance of your face. A massage course from a good specialist will help you tighten your contours and restore your youth. But this can also be done at home. To make the result more noticeable, use high-quality massage oils.


Cosmetic oil for massage should suit your individual parameters. There are several types of both base and additional oils. The base relaxes and warms the skin, and the additional components nourish it and fill it with essential vitamins.


Thanks to the use of a combination of several oils, you get the maximum effect when using a massage product. Let's look at oils popular among professionals that are used to care for different skin types.


Massage oil base can be sold in both liquid and solid form. It all depends on what product you choose. Keep in mind that using solid oil for facial massage is a little more difficult - you have to additionally heat it in your palms so that it is well absorbed into your skin. But this cannot be called a problem, because in warm hands the oils melt quite easily.


Basic oils can be bought at any pharmacy or even supermarket. The most common options are olive and sunflower. Since they are used in cooking, it is not difficult to find them on shelves. Yes, and they are inexpensive. And the remains can always be used on the farm or for preparing other care compositions.


To actively moisturize the skin during a massage, you can use peach oil. It nourishes the epidermis well from the inside. At the same time, the extract from peach pits easily applies to the face and is absorbed without problems. Among fruit bases, apricot is also worth noting. This oil quite delicately cares for any type of skin, saturating it with beneficial nutrients from the inside.


All these oils are as natural as possible and are easy to find. Due to the absence of chemical additives in their composition, you can be sure that the product affects the dermis as gently as possible and will not cause you allergies.


Now let's talk about the more expensive oils that are used by professional cosmetologists. First of all, it is worth noting shea butter. It is considered one of the most useful and effective. This product is rich in beneficial minerals and trace elements. It smoothes and softens the skin. Another popular option is grape seed extract. It copes well with age-related problems on the face and enriches the skin with moisture. As a result, she looks more well-groomed and fit.


High-quality almond oil can also make the dermis more elastic. It is used to massage the skin of the entire face and especially the skin around the eyes.


Coconut and jojoba oils are considered absolutely universal. They are suitable for all skin types and do not cause an allergic reaction. It is worth choosing a basis for facial massage, taking into account your individual characteristics of the body.



The same applies to the choice of essential oils. Each of them has a specific effect on the body, so they need to be selected wisely:

  1. If you have problem skin that is prone to rashes and irritation, then you need to choose skin care oils of eucalyptus, mint or chamomile. Extracts of these plants soothe the epidermis and help fight inflammation. Therefore, after using them, the skin will look more well-groomed.




  1. Essential pine supplements will help tighten your facial features. Use pine, thuja, cedar or fir oils during a massage, and the contours of your face will become clearer. To achieve maximum effect, you will need a course of several procedures.


  1. Citrus essential oils will help oily and shiny skin. Grapefruit, lemon, tangerine or orange can cleanse pores and make skin less shiny. In addition, such oils can tighten pores.


  1. Unhealthy complexion can also be removed with the help of beneficial esters. Ginger or cinnamon oils will help make your skin lighter and more even.


  1. For aging skin with fine wrinkles, use rose or jasmine based products. But here you need to be extremely careful, because it is these oils that most often cause allergies. Test the effect of the oil on a separate area of ​​the skin to make sure that your reaction to this product will be normal.



Beneficial features

All massage oils and their complementary components can give the skin a healthier and more well-groomed appearance.

Choose individual combinations for yourself, focusing on the effect you want to get.

Combine the base with essential additions as experts advise, and even at home, a massage will make your skin noticeably better.


How to choose

When choosing the best oil, you should pay attention not only to its properties, but also to other parameters:

  1. An oily mixture of not too thick consistency is suitable for massage. Fatty oil nourishes the skin. But the best one is the one that does not drain from the skin during massage.
  2. The product should also be as natural as possible. Buy it at the pharmacy or on trusted cosmetic sites. Read the ingredients carefully and make sure that there are no harmful substances or components that may cause an allergic reaction in you.




Tips for use

You need to use oil for facial massage at home wisely, taking into account all the features of the selected oily liquid. The selected massage product is ideally applied to the skin warmed up after a sauna or bath. At this time, the pores are enlarged, and the epidermis is able to absorb a maximum of nutrients.

If the resulting mixture is very liquid and you are afraid of getting dirty with it, then before the procedure, change into clothes that you don’t mind, or wrap yourself in a towel.

Massage oil should be applied only to the fingertips, gently rubbing into the skin. This way you will not waste the product in vain.


The massage procedure itself can be carried out in three ways. The first one is classic. It is best suited for those who are not particularly versed in cosmetology and are going to do massage for the first time. This procedure helps tighten the skin and tone the muscles. It can be used on skin that is already beginning to fade. The entire massage process can be clearly seen in the video below.

Classic massage consists of working on individual areas. Start by massaging your cheeks, smoothing the skin with your fingers along the zygomatic arch. Next, proceed to warming up the area around the mouth. To do this, stretch out your lips and make patting movements on the skin next to your lips. Then massage your chin, slowly moving towards your earlobes.


The forehead area needs to be kneaded using your fingertips, carefully moving from one temple to another. Move five times in each direction, and then massage downwards along your temples. Next, proceed to massage the most sensitive area - the eyes. Gently tap your eyelids with your fingertips, moving from the inner to the outer corners. Then the same must be repeated with the lower eyelid. It is enough to repeat this procedure only five times on each eyelid. The facial massage ends with a neck warm-up. Tilt your heads to the side and massage your skin from top to bottom. Then repeat the same on the other side of your neck. At this moment, when all the muscles have been worked out and are as relaxed as possible, the massage can be completed.


In order to get rid of problems such as acne, scars, deep folds or age spots, you can use Jacquet massage. With this procedure, you do not stroke the skin of your face, but pinch it. The process is not the most pleasant, but the results will not keep you waiting. The technique of this massage is shown in the video.

However, it is not advisable to carry out this procedure without consulting a specialist. If you are not sure that it will benefit you, then it is better to refuse a massage. Even small mistakes can lead to negative consequences.


After you have completed the procedure, there is no need to wash off the oil from the skin. It should be absorbed during the massage. If you want, you can also apply a cream at the end of the massage, which will additionally nourish the skin at night.


Recipes at home

To massage your face, you will need to prepare a high-quality oil mixture. The simplest and most universal recipe is a combination of ten milliliters of base oil with a drop of ether and the same amount of vitamin E, which is sold in capsules at any pharmacy.


For greater convenience, the mixture must be prepared in advance. Pour the appropriate amount of oils in the required proportions into a glass bottle and mix well. This finished product can be stored for one year. But to prevent it from spoiling, the product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Prepare a mixture for wrinkles or to add expressiveness to facial features with your own hands, and it will be easy to do a massage at home at any time. But before doing this, be sure to check whether the mixture has spoiled, so as not to accidentally harm yourself by clogging your pores with the spoiled product.



Self-massage with vegetable oils is an excellent way to care for your skin. Girls who have experienced the effects of this procedure confirm that if you do it regularly, your face will look younger, more beautiful and well-groomed.


This procedure is a great way to make your skin more toned and well-groomed. It can be done by anyone who does not have any problems with the epidermis. But if you have any inflammation, pimples, acne or dilated blood vessels, then it is better to avoid massage for a while. Wait until your face is clean and only then experiment with skincare treatments.

Facial massage oil is widely used in cosmetology. It not only helps your hands glide smoothly over your face, but also nourishes the skin with beneficial elements.

Facial massage is popular among women and is gaining momentum, as it helps prevent aging and fights wrinkles, tightens the skin, improves blood circulation, and strengthens facial muscles. It also helps cope with headaches, relieves tension and soothes facial skin tired during the day.

Doing a facial massage is not only pleasant, but also useful. However, to achieve greater results, you need to choose the right composition. Each skin type corresponds to a certain type of composition. The most popular are nut or apricot. They are rich in vitamin E, which preserves youth, and fatty acids nourish the skin, improving its appearance. Another valuable property is that they allow you to breathe, penetrating into the deep layers, and do not leave an oily sheen. But still, you need to choose the most suitable and best oil for facial massage. For example, thick oils are more suitable for dry skin: wheat germ, apricot kernels, avocado.


Facial massage using aromatic oils is an excellent remedy for caring for any skin type, but is considered especially effective for mature, aging skin that has lost its elasticity, as well as for tired, dry and sensitive skin.

For normal skin, ordinary oils are suitable: sunflower, olive. For oily skin, it is better to use St. John's wort and jojoba oils. Almond oil is good for tightening the area around the eyes.

However, to achieve greater results, mix the base oil and the active ingredient.

Base Oil Basics

Base oils are oils that are taken as a base, and essential oil (active component) is added to them to improve the effect of facial massage.

The following basic principles exist:

  1. Olive is suitable for almost everyone; it contains a high concentration of vitamins A and E. It solves many problems. It prolongs youth, makes the dermis more elastic, and also moisturizes and nourishes well. Olive minerals have been recognized as the most beneficial since ancient times. It is what is included in numerous creams. For women whose skin is too dry, this is the best facial massage product.
  2. Sesame – removes toxins and impurities, cleanses the skin. Linoleic acid contained in this oil has healing properties. It is most suitable for women with oily skin.
  3. Apricot kernel oil. The main property is the hydration and regeneration of skin tissue. Great for sensitive skin.
  4. Almond – makes the skin firmer and more elastic, strengthens the facial muscles. Fading skin gains radiance and shine. Wrinkles become smaller and smooth out. Almond minerals are easily absorbed and leave no residue. Great for older women.
  5. Jojoba is a multifunctional composition with an anti-inflammatory effect. Jojoba minerals protect the skin well from negative external factors. More suitable for mature facial skin.
  6. Grapeseed oil – has a large amount of antioxidants. Helps nourish and moisturize the skin, significantly rejuvenating it.

Active components

By adding an active component to the base, you can achieve a greater effect. The oil is chosen depending on what effect is needed. You can add several oils to the base at once:


The rules for performing an aromatic facial massage at home are simple - strict adherence to contraindications and precautions for each specific oil.

  1. cinnamon – eliminates puffiness;
  2. jasmine – has a restorative effect;
  3. bergamot – cleanses and mattifies the face;
  4. rosemary is the best for facial massage with oily dermis;
  5. grapefruit or orange - cleanses pores;
  6. myrtle – increases the tone of the dry skin;
  7. eucalyptus – soothes irritations;
  8. chamomile – increases cellular metabolism;
  9. geranium - more suitable for sensitive surfaces;
  10. lemon – reduces the production of excess fat;
  11. clove – stimulates blood circulation;
  12. pine – deeply cleanses;
  13. roses – smooths out wrinkles;
  14. thyme - will help remove blackheads;
  15. cypress - well evens out the complexion and brightens.

Cooking at home

Preparing oils for facial massage does not require much effort. To do this, just take 10-15 ml of base oil and add 5-7 drops of the active component. It is better to select essential products based on your skin type and what effect you want to achieve:

  1. The most classic preparation: 10 drops of the base mixture, 1 drop of wheat germ, vitamin E in liquid form and a few drops of active ingredients.
  2. To even out the color and get rid of age spots, you need to add tea tree, lemon or cypress oil to jojoba.
  3. To smooth out wrinkles, just add honey to the almond base and massage the area around the eyes.
  4. To massage oily skin, sunflower oil is used and lemon, bergamot and cypress oil are added to it.
  5. For normal skin, the best oil for facial massage can be made by taking almond as a base and adding to it a combination of rose, jasmine and cedar oils.


It is best to store the prepared mixture in a cool place, for example on the refrigerator door, and take it out in advance before use so that it has time to warm up to room temperature. It is recommended to do facial massage with oils in courses. To further maintain tone, it is enough to massage 1-2 times a week.

Before the massage, the face must be prepared: steamed with steam baths to open the pores, cleaned with a scrub, washed with tonic or lotion.

A properly selected composition for facial massage will help the skin become elastic, tightened, restore a healthy appearance, help cope with certain diseases, and give the woman self-confidence.

Let's have an almond meal? Only we will not be talking about a sickly tender conversation at all, but about soft and delicate facial skin care with the help of almond tree oil.

The beauty of flowering bushes attracted not only poets and artists of all times, but also skilled craftsmen and scientists of antiquity. So already in Ancient Egypt, rich women knew about the wonderful properties of this oil and used it to preserve youth and beauty.


The Ancient Glory of Almonds

Benefits of almonds for skin

Almond seeds, often mistakenly called nuts, are a rich source of beneficial vitamins and microelements that promote natural nutrition and cell renewal. Therefore, even just eating them regularly can significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

  1. Vitamin E - just 1 handful of seeds (about 30 g) contains more than 70% of the daily dose of this powerful antioxidant, which slows down the aging process and protects the skin from exposure to UV radiation.
  2. Vitamin A stabilizes the water-lipid balance and thereby stimulates deep hydration.
  3. Vitamin F helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation.
  4. B vitamins delicately penetrate the skin layers, fight irritations, restoring healthy radiance and elasticity to the skin.
  5. Collagen provides skin elasticity, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.
  6. Oleic, linoleic and other organic fatty acids tone and moisturize the skin, making it soft and surprisingly soft.

It is important to note that in cosmetology, organic cold-pressed oil of only sweet almonds and their seeds is used. Unlike its bitter relative, it does not contain toxic hydrocyanic acid. Accordingly, it is non-toxic and harmless. Therefore, be careful when choosing an oil - only cosmetic and in no case essential!

For maximum effect, it is recommended not only to use almond-based products externally, but also to regularly consume a small amount of almond seeds. According to studies conducted in the US and UK, 30 g of almonds per day is enough to protect the body from premature aging, reduce the risk of heart disease and normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to its light texture, almond oil is suitable for any skin type. It is quickly absorbed, leaving virtually no oily layer or shine behind. That is why it can be used even for oily and combination problem skin without fear of the formation of comedones and the production of excess sebum.


Uses of almond oil

And yet, the main task of this product is to combat age-related changes in the skin and the adverse effects of the environment.

This means it is ideal for dry and normal skin in winter, when frost and wind provoke peeling, redness and irritation.

You should also add almond oil to your daily care at the first signs of skin aging, dull tone, clearly visible expression wrinkles, decreased tone and the appearance of swelling and “sagging” of the oval of the face.


Almond oil is considered the least toxic and practically hypoallergenic.

However, the possibility of individual intolerance to the product cannot be ruled out. Therefore, before performing any of the above procedures, be sure to do a test on your wrist.

In addition, you should not apply almond oil before going out into the sun - it does not have ultraviolet protection. In such a situation, the risk of pigmentation is extremely high.

Use of almond oil in facial care

Almond oil is used both in pure form and as part of cosmetics.

At the same time, supporters of natural cosmetic compositions can prepare a skin care product themselves or purchase products from leading brands or domestic manufacturers. Below are some examples of popular products containing this natural ingredient:

  1. Almond face cream from Nevskaya Cosmetics brand. Economical version with a volume of 40 ml.
  2. Nivea face and body cream with almond milk not only moisturizes the skin, but also gives it a sweet trailing aroma.
  3. Almond mask - a scrub for all skin types from the Crimean manufacturer “Living Masks” contains the above-mentioned essential oil of bitter almond in minute quantities for more effective peeling.
  4. Almond series from eco-brand WELEDA. Designed specifically for those with sensitive skin. The delicate care products from this line do not contain perfumes.
  5. Melvita Stick Levres lip balm of French origin made entirely of natural oils (almond, macadamia, hazelnut, etc.)


Cosmetics with almond oil

The versatility and at the same time uniqueness of almond kernel oil lies in the fact that it helps to cope with a number of tasks as simply as possible, without resorting to chemical ingredients at all.

Makeup remover

In daily care, almond oil can be used to remove makeup and prepare the skin for further cleansing and nourishing. To do this, apply the oil to a cotton pad and wipe your face with light movements. It is important that this method is suitable even for removing stubborn cosmetics without additional effort and excessive friction, which injures the skin.

You can also prepare a two-phase makeup remover for sensitive skin and eyes. You will need:

  1. almond oil 50 ml;
  2. castor oil 5 ml;
  3. cornflower blue water 10 ml;
  4. chamomile water 10 ml (these hydrolates can be purchased at natural cosmetics stores).

Mix the components in a glass bottle and shake before use to mix the oil and water phases.


Makeup remover

Scrubs for cleansing and exfoliation

Homemade scrubs with almond oil gently cleanse dull and lifeless skin from dead skin cells, restoring its healthy glow, and also eliminate minor flaking while moisturizing dry facial skin.

  1. Deep cleansing scrub with coffee.

For the most delicate procedure, take not ground coffee, but coffee grounds - 2 tbsp. spoons, finely ground brown sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, almond oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Before the procedure, steam the skin by applying a damp, warm towel for a few minutes. Then apply the scrub and rub in with light massage movements for 2 minutes. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water. If necessary, you can apply moisturizer. This is usually not necessary, since the oil is sufficiently moisturizing for the skin, and the caffeine helps retain moisture in the cells.

  1. An all-almond scrub for dry skin.

To cleanse dry skin, you can only use almonds and its derivatives. Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. finely ground almonds (flour-like state) and 2 tbsp. l. oils On a clean face (without makeup), apply the mixture to the skin in a circular motion, leave for 5 minutes for a nourishing effect and rinse with warm water.

  1. Scrub mask with sea salt.

You can get rid of blackheads and post-acne using a scrub, which contains: 0.5 tsp. fine sea salt, 1 tbsp. l. black cosmetic clay, 1 tsp. almond oil, boiled water. Combine all ingredients into a thick, creamy paste, apply to face, lightly rubbing, leave for 15-20 minutes. After washing off, you can do a light peeling massage.


Scrubs with almond oil

  1. Mask for sensitive skin.

Often, sensitive skin does not tolerate soap products. In this case, a cleansing mask with almond bran will help perfectly. To prepare it, steam 1 tbsp. l. bran for 10 minutes, add 0.5 tsp to the resulting pulp. almond oil. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes, rinse with massage movements.

Masks against acne and for problem skin

  1. Almond bran is no less effective for acne.

To do this, prepare a paste of bran and milk (for dry skin) / water (for normal skin) / hydrogen peroxide (for oily skin), then apply it to the acne and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash your face and do a contrast shower for your face.

To relieve inflammation, make a mixture of 1 tbsp. l tablespoon of calendula tincture and 3 drops of almond oil. Use a cotton swab to lubricate the inflammation until complete healing.

You will need 1 tbsp. l. blue clay, 1 tsp. almond oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl, apply to the face, cover with cling film for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off using a cotton pad or sponge. Apply a light moisturizer.

When used regularly, this mask tightens pores, lightens post-acne, and reduces rashes.

Anti-wrinkle compresses

There is an effective recipe for a very fragrant, nourishing mask against unpleasant age-related changes.

In a blender, mix several medium-sized strawberries and a spoonful of cream (if you have dry skin, feel free to use the fattest ones). Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of almond oil.

Apply the mask to the face, neck and around the eyes for 20 minutes. Relax while enjoying the pleasant scent. Do not wash off the remnants of the mask, just remove them with a paper napkin.

For the skin around the eyes

Crow's feet in the reflection are unlikely to please a girl. Due to its light consistency, almond oil is excellent for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Therefore, you can simply “drive” a few drops of almond oil into the skin of your eyelids every day, leaving for 30-40 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin.

To enhance the effect, add a few drops of liquid vitamin E. The application technique is similar, but the dose of tocopherol, which nourishes the skin of the eyelids and smoothes out wrinkles, increases. It is better to carry out a similar procedure before bedtime.

For lips

  1. Chocolate mask-scrub.

The combination of cocoa powder and almond oil allows you to gently scrub your lips, eliminating all flaking. This is especially valuable for those who prefer matte lipsticks in their makeup.

So, in a tablespoon, mix half a teaspoon of cocoa and a few drops of oil. Apply the mask on your lips for 20 minutes. When it hardens, use a cotton pad soaked in warm water to gently wipe it off in a circular motion along the contour of your lips.


Lip masks with almonds

  1. Moisturizing mask with honey.

You can heal microcracks, nourish the skin of your lips with vitamins, and make them velvety and attractive by regularly making a mask of liquid honey and almond oil. Apply the mixture to your lips, cover them with cling film so that the honey does not spread, for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and also apply a drop of oil on top to secure the result.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Unlike the popular castor oil, almond oil does not stimulate the growth of hair follicles. But in turn, it perfectly strengthens the hair, makes it strong and shiny. If we are talking about eyelashes and eyebrows, then this is quite enough to make the look more expressive and the image bright.

Lubricate your eyelashes and eyebrows with a mascara brush (cleaned), but do not store the oil in a bottle from an old product. It is better to pour a few drops into a spoon each time and dip the brush there. It is also recommended to use brushes with natural bristles, they are softer.

Once a week, do spa treatments: soak cotton pads in oil heated in a water bath and apply to eyelashes and eyebrows for 15 minutes. Remove any remaining oil with soft paper napkins.

For massage

Almond oil serves as a good base for self-contour facial massage. It's no secret that massage movements should be carried out only on a moistened surface, so as not to stretch thin skin and provoke new wrinkles.

Almond oil is absorbed gradually and does not require constant addition. At the same time, it has a better and deeper effect on heated skin with a directed lymph flow.

In this way, a double rejuvenation effect is achieved: using mechanical action with a combination of the natural properties of almond seed oil.

Of course, as in all cases of using almond oil for cosmetic purposes, systematicity is important here.