Minor Sample

Minora Proba is a Soviet neurologist, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, author of more than 200 scientific papers.

Minora Proba was born in 1890. In 1914 she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Tomsk University. Since 1928 she worked at the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies in Moscow, and since 1946 at the Institute of Neurology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

Minor Proba's scientific research is devoted to the study of the physiology and pathology of the nervous system and brain. She is the author of works on the study of cerebral circulation, regulation of cerebral circulation, physiology of vascular reactions of the brain and other topics.

One of the main achievements of Minor Proba is the development of methods for diagnosing and treating neuralgic diseases. She was also involved in the development of treatments for diseases of the nervous system using physiotherapeutic methods.

For her scientific work, Minora Proba was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. She was awarded orders and medals of the USSR and other countries.

Minora Proba (1893–1950), an outstanding Soviet neurologist, one of the founders of Russian neurosurgery. Author of an original method for studying the vibration sensitivity of the tongue. One of the founders of the Soviet school of neurosurgeons. MM. Minor entered the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1911. After graduating from the university, he was left and headed the laboratory of electrometric research as an assistant. A great contribution to the development of the doctrine of reflex activity of the brain was made by studying the works of I.P. Pavlova. Minora used the results of his research to create a new method for diagnosing the brain