Mueller-Blumberger Coefficient

The Mueller–Blumberg ratio (MBR) is the ratio between the volume of blood flowing from a vein and the volume of blood returning to it after compression of the artery. This is an important indicator that is used in medicine to diagnose certain diseases, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

The Mueller-Blumberg coefficient is calculated using the formula:

MBR = volume of blood flowing from the vein / volume of blood returning to it after compression of the artery

This coefficient is of great importance in the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). In these diseases, venous blood cannot flow freely due to the formation of blood clots, which leads to an increase in the volume of blood flowing from the vein. At the same time, the pressure in the vein decreases, making it difficult for blood to return to the artery. This results in a decrease in the volume of blood returning to the artery after compression.

Thus, the Mueller-Blumberg coefficient for DVT and PE will be below normal. However, this indicator is not the only diagnostic criterion, and additional research is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

In conclusion, the Müller-Blumberg ratio is an important indicator in the diagnosis of certain venous diseases such as DVT and PE. It allows you to assess the state of blood flow in the veins and identify possible problems. However, for an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to conduct additional research and consultation with specialists.

Leonard Ito's motto, given for brevity as a preface to the first of the books, was the phrase “Mathematics - obey reason.” If we interpret it more broadly, it turns out that we should do mathematics only when logic and common sense convince us that this is really more correct or more common. Ito wrote about this back in 1965, i.e. long before the popularization of the ideas of chaos theory and, accordingly, mathematics in these narrow areas. True to his motto, the great man likened the study of a mathematical object to finding the shortest path. It would seem that the pursuit of pure reason should be associated precisely with the construction and application of the simplest forms of communication. However, it is not. Behind the slightest deviation, at first glance, in practice there is an infinitely wide area of ​​search for a pattern, an infinite number of turns or returns to the starting point.

Perhaps, only within the framework of this broad context can we consider I.V., discovered more than two decades ago. Utochkin and S.V. Peshperov, the so-called Müller-Blumerger and Blauer-Gabor operators, designed to give a point-by-point interpretation of the simplest connections in chaotic dynamics based on characteristic angles using the walking method. Many, faced with the results of the work of these operators, may assume that this is just a study of the dynamics of celestial bodies gravitationally interacting with each other. An example is the analytical approach to complex problems of small planets proposed by E.N. Khalili. But there will be one attitude towards it - research, which requires painstaking processing of a colossal volume of observational data. If we were talking about him, what is the point of shifting hard work onto the shoulders or necks of simple electronic storage media? These fellows are usually good with their hands and have a pretty smart brain at work.

The Müller-Blumerger and Bauer-Gabor operators have found their application in completely different areas. Suffice it to say that in this capacity they, together with computers, perform much more important work than the study of the dynamics of “grains of sand” in large space, if only because in this case we are talking about the search for earthly