
Myogelosis Myogelosis Myokelesis

Illness can be caused by uncomfortable clothing or a tight belt.

Myogelosis or muscular dystonia is a chronic disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is characterized by impaired motor function and increased muscle tone of the limbs and neck, as well as impaired coordination and sensitivity in various parts of the body.

The name of the disease can also be written as myogelosis and myokelesis.

Symptoms of myogelosis Patients complain of squeezing or burning sensations. At the beginning, the pain is sharp and sudden, then long-lasting. Many patients experience involuntary tension in the body, and later redness or increase in muscle size. The person also begins to notice a protrusion of the vein, which in some people can lead to the formation of a tumor. There are cystic and gel-like types of myogelosis. Muscle tissue with signs of increased tone is observed on different parts of the body: most often the ankle, neck, shoulders, chest, spine.

Causes of myogelosis: Despite the fact that the exact cause of the development of the disease is unknown, doctors suggest that it can be triggered by disruption of the spine and blood vessels that provide nutrition to muscle tissue. The mobility of the spine is impaired during sedentary work with limited mobility of the body. In addition, these disorders can make themselves felt due to incorrect posture, physical