Myocardial dystrophy Neuroendocrine

Myocardial dystrophy neuroendoritis is a serious heart disease that can lead to serious complications and even death. It occurs due to disruption of the endocrine system and hormonal balance. In this article we will talk about the causes of the development of neuroendrin myocardial dystrivotia, its symptoms and treatment.

Reasons for the development of neuroendorin myocardial dystrophy Neuroendorin myocardial dystrophy occurs due to improper hormonal regulation of the body, dysfunction of the indral system, which is responsible for the regulation of life processes. A variety of factors can be to blame for this. For example, - Heredity - some types of neuroendoronic myocardial dysprophy are inherited. - Weight loss or excess - obesity or severe exhaustion of the body can also cause