Myositis Ossifying Progressive

Progressive myositis ossificans is a tumor-like neoplasm in muscle fibers. It is also known as fibrous histioma, which occurs most often in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the trunk and extremities. It is interesting that this phenomenon is quite rare if we consider statistics regarding the total number of cancers

I often hear the question from clients: “If I have muscle pain, I need to get rid of it.” Unfortunately, this is not enough to restore them. This is a common mistake. We need to find the cause of the pain. And to establish a diagnosis of my condition, it is necessary to undergo examinations. Today I want to talk to you about such a pathology as osseotrophic progressive myositis.

Myositis is an inflammatory process of muscle tissue. The second name for the disease is fibromyositis, but today the first term is more often used. In the field of medicine, a distinction is made between inflammatory and dystrophic forms of the disease. ABOUT PFM is a rare pathology that affects muscles equally over the entire surface of the body.