
Miprovit: General strengthening dietary supplement produced in Russia

Miprovit is a dietary supplement (BAA) with a general strengthening effect, produced in Russia. The product is a product of the pharmaceutical group of dietary supplements and is intended to maintain and strengthen the body.

Miprovit is produced by Tekhnolog SKTB, a company specializing in the development and production of pharmaceuticals in Russia. The drug has the international name "Miprovit".

The composition of Miprovit includes the following components, expressed as a percentage of absolute dry matter: moisture - no more than 7%, crude protein - no less than 40%, carbohydrates - 20%, lipids - no more than 6%, minerals - 9%. The drug also contains a number of vitamins, expressed in micrograms per gram of product.

Miprovit is recommended as a general tonic and to increase the body's nonspecific resistance. It can be used to strengthen the immune system with reduced resistance to various infections. The drug can also be used to correct the diet, especially in the presence of obesity with hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, atherosclerosis, and chronic cholecystitis. It is also useful for dysbiosis, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, prevention of hematopoiesis disorders in persons exposed to X-ray radiation, as well as in unfavorable ecology.

Miprovit is also recommended for the prevention of allergic diseases of various etiologies, such as year-round and seasonal rhinitis, hay fever (hay fever), allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, exudative diathesis, exogenous and endogenous asthma. It can also be useful for autoimmune diseases and iron deficiency (hypochromic) anemia.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of Miprovit. These are individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy and systemic diseases. Before starting use, it is recommended to read the instructions from the manufacturer.

Literature: Manufacturer's instructions.

Thus, Miprovit is a Russian dietary supplement with a general strengthening effect, designed to maintain and strengthen the body. With its help, you can increase the body's resistance to infections, adjust your diet, improve immunity and use it in the prevention of various diseases. However, before using Miprovit, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions from the manufacturer to take into account possible contraindications and dosage.