
Myringo is a compound that is used medicinally to treat various conditions such as eye, ear and throat conditions, and to improve immune system function. It was first discovered in 1958 and has since been widely used in medical practice.

Myringa comes from some algae and fungi, such as species belonging to the genera Cetriporus and Merulina. The cells of these algae and fungi contain myring-like components, but only under certain conditions (for example, when adding electrolytes) are they able to form myring. These algae are used in the food industry as additives to strengthen teeth and bones.

Miringo has two main functions: the first is to create protection against bacteria and viruses and the second is to stimulate the human immune system. Researchers in Japan have found a way to add myringo to honey rolls to boost immunity in people after surgery. In the first experiment, volunteers with