Miscarriage Late

Delayed miscarriage: medical term and reasons for delay.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, in which it becomes incompatible with the life of the fetus. In some cases, this is also called a delayed miscarriage. This may happen during the first three months of pregnancy or later. This term refers to a situation where part of the miscarriage has passed or not occurred, but the fetus is still inside the mother until it ends in labor or termination of pregnancy. The causes may be various factors such as genetic disorders, hormonal problems, infections, etc.

Miscarriage usually occurs due to structural abnormalities of the fetus or genetic disorders. However, if the embryo does not meet the requirements of the mother's body, it may be rejected. Various infectious diseases and certain medications may also have an effect. Delayed miscarriages are often observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. If a miscarriage occurs at this stage, it usually does not cause any discomfort to the woman. If pregnancy continues, she may experience uterine hypertonicity or the threat of miscarriage.

If a miscarriage is delayed until the beginning of the second trimester, it may pose some danger to the mother's life. In this case, immediate medical intervention is required. To diagnose a retained pregnancy, an ultrasound scan must be performed to ensure that the fetus is still alive and not outside the uterine cavity. If the fruit