Mistletoe Leaves Fresh Tincture

Mistletoe white leaf tincture is a medicinal product that can be used to treat hypertension. This infusion contains leaves and shoots of mistletoe, which are known for their antihypertensive properties. Mistletoe leaf is rich in various bioactive components such as sucrose, gum and tannins. In addition, it contains many minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

Mistletoe leaf tincture is commonly used in the early stages of hypertension, but there is not enough scientific research to confirm the effectiveness of this drug in treating this disease.

Although there are no contraindications, you should consult your doctor before using mistletoe leaf tincture, as this product may interact with some medications and have side effects. It is also recommended to strictly follow the instructions for use of the tincture.

In conclusion, mistletoe leaf tincture may be beneficial for people with early stages of hypertension, but its effectiveness has not yet been proven. Before use, you must first consult a physician.