The reason for this is muscle relaxation: sometimes this is facilitated by the sharpness of urine, and in children this is often due to deep sleep; when urine begins to move in them, then nature and the hidden will, similar to the will to breathe, expel it before the children wake up. When they become stronger and stronger, their sleep becomes easier, the relaxed organ is strengthened and they do not wet the bed.
Treatment. Such patients are treated in the same way as those suffering from bladder relaxation, dribbling of urine, or urinary incontinence; The medicine made from myrobalans with elecampane and maya is especially useful; Banana oil is extremely good for rubbing. Patients should sleep after eating a light meal so that sleep is easy; They should not drink a lot of water and should force themselves to urinate before going to bed. Often one of these patients, when he is sleeping, seems, in accordance with what the force that expels urine and feels the need to urinate, to go to some specific place and urinate there, and he gets used to it. and so, if this place exists and is, for example, a latrine, a latrine or a secluded corner in the steppe, then the patient mentally tries to change it and build it up with mosques or other buildings, and this is confirmed in his imagination. And when the dream brings him to this place, the patient remembers in his thoughts that it has changed and is no longer what it was before, and his volitional power denies him this hidden, unconscious concession and he experiences a delay in his sleep that prevents the demand of the expelling force, so he wakes up immediately.
Among the proven remedies for such patients is the following: take acorns, frankincense and myrrh in equal parts and boil them in three ukiyahs of wine until one ukiyah remains; The decoction is filtered and drunk with one dirham of myrtle oil. They say that if you dry the kidneys of a hare, take one part of them, one part of dill seeds, half a part of celery seeds and saliva seeds of each and take two dirhams at a time in one and a half ukiyahs of cold water, this will greatly help against incontinence. The brain of a steppe hare with wine or flat cakes baked from dough in which a little pigeon feces were placed are also useful; They are consumed with cold water, and this is an extremely effective remedy. Useful: drink myrrh with wine on an empty stomach, and it heals, and it is also good to do enemas with medicines that retain urine and pour them into the bladder.