
Mogification is a rapid development.

This is the frantic rhythm of our life, requiring the mobilization of all the body's resources. Constant haste, lack of time, a feeling of “failure” in your personal life and failure in your career - all these are elements of the portrait of the average person.

The conditions of our time give rise not only

Mogigraphy as a source of cultural information. Mogiography is a science that studies history and culture through images, since it is important to note that knowledge about the past of a people cannot be obtained without referring to examples of material culture and architecture, the main type of which is the portrait. These monuments are a repository of history and allow the memory of culture to be transmitted by translating ideas into images. In the modern world, the importance of portraits in the life of society has increased significantly. Visual methods of intercultural communication are beginning to be increasingly used to exchange experience, information and best practices in management, economics, science, art, sports and other areas. Not only cultural norms and values ​​remain important, but also the value orientations of the individual and society as a whole. People's cultural self-identification is designed to combine information stored on screen and paper into a single whole - history, culture, politics. The authenticity of works of art can restore the true picture of the relationships between people, generations, and history. The ability to correctly interpret and understand the meaning of works of fine art becomes especially important. However, image analysis has its own characteristics, which predetermine the need to apply special approaches and methods of interpretation, as well as take into account the real situational nature of what is depicted and its functional meaning, that is, the commonality of all social groups and segments of the population. The latter can be divided into: a) large consumers of mass-produced visual products, b) frequent and skillful producers of this product, c) customers for the creation of works of modern graphic design, d) regular customers; specialists in the restoration of works made from natural materials (frescoes, mosaics, drawings using paints, etc.). Each of them may have their own point of view on the interpretation of a particular work of art. Therefore, it is necessary to turn not only to “one’s own” art, the history of which is always far from modernity, but also to the customer’s own ideas about it. In the latter case, traditional ones can also be used.

What hasn't mogigraphy written about yet?

Each specialist with a certain skill tries to put the maximum amount of effort into his work. Every artist will try to paint a masterpiece, a driver will try to improve his driving skills, a chef can cook an amazingly delicious pizza that the whole family can enjoy for dinner. But at the same time, humanity has already invented dozens of completely new