Getting wet

Weeping wounds: when skin protection is not perfect

*Name* is one of the symptoms of inflammation, which manifests itself when pathogenic microorganisms enter or damage of various kinds. Water-soluble substances secreted by skin cells and blood cells lead to the formation of oozing skin. Based on

Weeping formation is a skin condition that occurs when serous exudate is released through the smallest damage to the epidermis. This occurs as a result of inflammation, which leads to the formation of blisters in the skin. In general, weeping formations indicate the presence of an inflammatory process and require treatment.

Causes of weeping lesions The main cause of weeping lesions is inflammation of the skin. It can have various causes, such as allergic reactions, skin contact with irritants, viral and bacterial infections, etc. Weeping lesions may also indicate dermatological conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

Symptoms of weeping formations Symptoms of weeping formations are the formation of bubbles on the skin of different shapes and sizes, accompanied by the release of serous fluid. The blisters are usually filled with fluid, and the skin around them may be inflamed and red. Despite