Mollev glands

Mollev glands: what are they and why are they needed?

Mollev glands are small glands located inside the upper eyelid of the eye. They were named after the Dutch ophthalmologist and anatomist J. A. Moll, who first described them in 1883.

Mollev glands have the shape of oval bodies, measuring about 2 mm in length and 1 mm in width. They are located inside the fatty tissue of the upper eyelid and produce a special fluid that lubricates the eye and prevents it from dryness.

This fluid, called tear fluid, contains various proteins, salts and antibacterial substances that protect the eye from infections and other harmful influences. In addition, tear fluid contains many growth factors that help heal damage to the eye.

The molar glands play an important role in maintaining eye health. If they don't work properly, it can lead to various vision problems such as dry eyes, irritation, inflammation, and even infections.

There are several factors that can affect the functioning of the mammary glands. For example, age, body position and health status can affect tear production. In addition, some medications, such as antihistamines, can reduce tear production.

If you have any eye health problems, including dryness or irritation, contact your ophthalmologist. He or she will be able to help you determine the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In summary, the mollustric glands play an important role in maintaining eye health and tear production. If you have problems with your eye health, consult your doctor for advice and treatment.

Moll glands are glands located in the conjunctiva of the eye. They were first described by Mollev in the 19th century. Mollev glandular formations are part of the conjunctiva, which covers the inner surface of the eyelid and the back surface of the eyeball. These glands secrete a secretion that moisturizes and protects the eyes.

Mollev glands play an important role in maintaining eye health and protecting them from various external influences such as dust, smoke, allergens and other irritants. In addition, they are involved in the regulation of intraocular pressure and tear production.

Normally, the molle glands secrete a small amount of secretion, which moisturizes the conjunctiva and promotes its elasticity. However, under certain conditions, such as allergies or infections, the amount of secretion produced may increase, which can lead to eye dryness, redness and burning.

If you experience symptoms related to your mammary glands, such as dry eyes, discomfort, or redness, you should see an eye doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of special drops and ointments to moisturize the conjunctiva and relieve symptoms.

Additionally, it is important to remember to take proper eye care to maintain the health of your mammary glands and prevent the development of various eye diseases. Regular eye exams and good eye hygiene will help keep your eyes healthy for years to come.