
**Monochord** is a string instrument that has been used in music since ancient times. Unlike a computer keyboard, which has many keys, each of which performs a specific function, a monochord has only one string, which can change its pitch of vibration.

**History of the emergence of monochrod:**

The monochord was invented in ancient times and is used in musical art to this day. Various materials were used as strings, such as cithara - guitar, chater, klarg - lutensa, suzu - shamosh, jew's harp - griffelich, etc. Each of them has its own peculiarity and sound beauty. For example, the kithara was used to play in ancient Greece, and the guitar was invented in India. The monochord was used to train composers and musicians who were learning to play the instrument.

Depending on how the monochord is tuned, the sound can be used for different musical genres such as classical, jazz and rock. Modern performers and musicians use monochords to create unique sound effects and timbres.

One of the main advantages of the monochord is its uniqueness in the way it creates sound. Due to the absence of several keys, each sound is unique and does not repeat. This allows musicians to experiment with different sounds, creating unusual parts and compositions. It also opens up opportunities for improvisation and creating new sounds based on existing ones.

Even though the monochord is an old instrument, it is still used to create music today.