Monolin Lente U-40

Monolin-U40 is an intermediate-acting insulin. Intermediate insulin is a basal hormone produced mainly at night and ensures the body’s survival in the absence of glucose in the blood. About 90% of it is secreted by beta cells, while the acinar cells of the pancreas produce only 10%. The administered dose of insulin SrD provides approximately 8 hours of maintaining glucose concentrations in the range close to 4-5 mmol/l. The duration of the insulin injection depends on the dose and protein content in the suspension. When protein-bound blood protein decreases, a slowdown in the intravascular excretion of long-acting insulin is noted. Exogenous insulin and bile salts enhance lipolysis and the release of TG and fatty acids from adipose tissue, which in turn leads to reduced insulin absorption and glucose retention in tissues. Intravenous insulin causes hyperinsulinemia within 1 hour, and the effect becomes maximum after 6 hours.