
Hemorrhoids are a disease that affects every third person living in developed countries of the world. Almost every person after the age of forty suffers from hemorrhoids; it causes him a lot of inconvenience and suffering. There are many ways to treat and prevent this disease, but the most effective method remains the use of anti-hemorrhoidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Proctoglivenol is one of the most famous remedies for combating hemorrhoids. It is a combination drug that consists of tribenozide and lidocaine. The mechanism of action of Proctogliveenol is based on the ability of tribenolide to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain in the rectum and anus, and lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect. In addition, Proctoglevenol has antibacterial and antiviral effects, which makes it possible to more effectively combat infectious processes in the anus. Proctoglivenlol is available in the form of ointments, suppositories and suppositories, as well as cream.

Indications for the use of ProctoGlivenol are all types of external and internal hemorrhoids. This remedy is prescribed both in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids and as independent therapy for mild forms of the disease.

However, Proctogvenolo also has contraindications. It should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should use ProctoGlivenloo with caution and only on the advice of a doctor.

Some side effects are possible when using the product. In isolated cases, they can manifest as burning and pain in the abdomen, increased intestinal motility, and impaired bowel movements. However, with proper use of the drug, these symptoms quickly disappear.

Despite the fact that Proctoglivenil is an effective remedy that helps many patients cope with hemorrhoids, it should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to deterioration of health and the development of other complications, so you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication for hemorrhoids.

Proctoglivenol is a combination drug that contains tribenoside and lidocaine. Tribenozide has a venotonic effect, strengthens capillaries and improves microcirculation in the tissues around hemorrhoids. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of nerves, which leads to a decrease in pain.

It is used to treat external and internal hemorrhoids. The drug can be used both in the form of a cream and in the form of suppositories. Before use, please read