Monosuinsulin Mp

Monosuinsul MP ​​(40 U/ml) is a hormonal drug that is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus (diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia, hyperglyceridemia, uncorrectable diabetes in adults and children over 6 years of age). The drug contains synthetic porcine insulin monohydrate.

Therapy with this drug is carried out only under the supervision of an endocrinologist!

Side effects: sudden acute hypoglycemia (with possible coma, cardiogenic, endothelial retinoic edema of the brain, neurological disorders or dysfunction of the cardiovascular system), less common in individuals with severe carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Criteria for bias: monosuisinsul MP ​​does not have a specific anti-leukoclastic effect. Against the background of insulin therapy, isolated cases of the development of peripheral neuropathy (paresthesia in the fingertips, numbness), cardiac arrhythmia, weight gain (due to hypoglycemic complications), episodes of decreased glycopen levels, which, as one gets used to insulin, appear less pronounced or stop completely, have been described. . Allergic reactions are sometimes observed (urticaria, skin itching, decreased blood pressure, anaphylaxis