Nosogeographical Map

A nosogeographic map is a geographic map showing the distribution of individual diseases or their groups on Earth.

Such maps are used in medical geography and epidemiology to analyze the spatial distribution of diseases. They make it possible to identify regions with high and low incidence rates, track the dynamics of changes in disease areas, and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing anti-epidemic measures.

On nosogeographical maps, the method of cartograms is usually used - conventional signs, the size and intensity of coloring of which reflects the incidence rates in a particular region. This allows you to clearly see “hot spots” and trends in the development of the epidemiological situation.

Nosogeographical maps are compiled for such widespread diseases as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV infection, influenza, and many others. Their analysis is necessary to develop strategies to combat infectious diseases on a global scale.

Nosogeographical maps are geographic maps that show the distribution of various diseases throughout the world. They allow researchers to see general patterns and differences in the spread of diseases in different regions of the Earth. Such maps could be useful to doctors, epidemiologists, policymakers and others who work to develop disease control strategies.

Nosogeographical studies indicate that people live in communities where they