Monroe Hole

There are several interesting theories about the origin of the name "Monroe's Hole". According to one of them, this name comes from the name of the doctor Moniv Brown (Monro), who in the 19th century performed eye surgeries through this hole. Another theory says that this place was so named because it was used to pass the esophagus during operations on the pharynx. It is also believed that the name comes from the ancient German word "monush", meaning "mouth".

Regardless of which versions are correct, the foramen of Monromey is an important anatomical structure that lies between the temporal bone and the pyramid of the temporal bone. The discovery of this hole for modern science was made possible thanks to the work of the British-American ophthalmologist William Beer. In 1678, he published a description of this structure after extensive cataract surgery in patients who had a tumor in the forehead and scleral atrophy. As part of this work, he discovered that the patient