
-Morphous suffixes

-Morphous suffix is ​​a suffix that is used to indicate shape or structure (of some particular kind). There are several words in Russian with this suffix. For example, “morphology” (the science of the forms and structure of language), “morphogenesis” (the process of form formation), “morphometry” (measurement of form and structure), etc.

The suffix -morphous (-morphous) was introduced into scientific use in the 19th century by German scientists. It is used to refer to shapes and structures that are associated with morphology. For example, in biology, morphous structures are used to describe different types of organisms and their development.

In Russian, the suffix -morphous (-morphous) is used in the names of sciences and disciplines related to morphology, for example, “morphology”, “morphogenetics”, “morphometry”, etc. This suffix is ​​also used to form new words denoting shapes and structures, for example, “morphous” (related to morphology) and “morphometric” (related to the measurement of morphological structures).

Thus, the suffix -morphous is an important tool in scientific work and education, which allows you to describe and study various forms and structures in science and technology.

-Morphous: A suffix denoting shape and structure.

-Morphic (-morphous) is a suffix that is used in linguistics to denote a form or structure (of some specific kind). This suffix is ​​often found in the names of scientific disciplines such as morphology (the study of the form and structure of organisms), morphogenetics (the study of the formation of forms and structures) and morphology of language (the study of the forms and structures of language).

For example, in biology, the term “morphology” refers to the science of the form and structure of organisms. In linguistics, the term "morphology of language" is used to refer to the study of the forms and structure of language.

Also, the -morphous (-morphous)- suffix can be used in medicine to designate the forms and structure of various diseases. For example, the term "morphological cancer" refers to cancer that has a specific shape and structure that is different from other types of cancer.

In general, the -morphous suffix is ​​an important tool in science and technology to denote certain shapes and structures that can be used to analyze and classify various objects and phenomena.