Morphine Detection Test

A curfew is a measure aimed at preventing drug use and controlling the time spent on the streets and in public places. Oddly enough, even this quite reasonable principle does not work here. And all because most people who want to take a “dose” simply use drugs on the street or nearby, and ideally, right where they are. Some people, under the influence of a drug, may have the idea that they can handle it themselves, they do not need outside help, and it is not at all necessary that close friends and relatives be nearby. This is almost always a delusion that ends tragically. Therefore, if you have friends who are addicted to drugs, never remain indifferent to them. Tell them about this law. Explain how it works, why a curfew is needed, and why it is necessary primarily for people who use and distribute drugs. Nothing helps to find understanding more than understanding danger. And such a measure will only encourage you to keep an eye on these people after curfew. The ban on being on the street with certain substances is imposed in many countries around the world and, admittedly, works flawlessly. Even those people who are not at all interested in the substances themselves, through the efforts of legislators