Wrinkle on the earth's surface 5 letters

"Wrinkle" on the earth's surface

• Depression with steep slopes

• Deep, long depression on the surface of the earth

• Natural ditch ruining the field

• Deep valley with steep slopes

• "Canyon" for a stream

• "Peyrule", Van Gogh

• Babi Yar near Kyiv

• Babi Yar near Kyiv from a geographical point of view

• beam, but not timber

• beam washed with water (relief)

• a large hole in the surface of the earth

• depression in the plain

• deep, long depression on the surface of the earth

• deep long depression with steep slopes

• a deep, long depression on the earth’s surface with steep slopes

• deep valley with steep slopes

• deep, steeply sloped pothole formed by watercourses

• deep crack in the ground

• deep, long depression

• deep, elongated pothole

• long deep ravine

• m. ravine, diminish. enemy, foe, Muscovite steep-sided pothole from spring waters; waterhole, waterway, sprout; a small ravine, a pothole, and a ravine, a gully razlog. Gullies are formed along slopes and slopes; spring waters gradually erode small hollows. If in the spring the ravines sparkle and freeze again, it will hinder the harvest. Gully sand or clay. Gully bank. Ovragovina g. gully. Ovrazhnik m. plant. Nuoserys? Gully, ravines. The ravine is, or rather the evrazhka, the animal gopher, Spermophilus, a genus of motley-gray steppe hamster that eats a lot of standing bread. Ravine metro station Psk. hard distorted horn, horns in the rye, smut

• beams little brother

• little brother of the beam (relief)

• little brother beams (embossed)

• younger brother of the canyon

• wrinkle on the body of the earth

• manifestation of “caries” of the earth, which is combated by planting trees

• ditch under the viaduct

• channel for spring waters

• synonym beam, log

• the desire of the landscape to somehow shade the plain

Total found: 19, match 5 letters


(avradin) fatty part of orange oil distilled from flowers


collective zeal after the command to “whistle everyone up”

general rush work

trans. general mobilization to complete an urgent task, urgent work

work on a ship performed simultaneously by all personnel

work on a ship in which the whole crew participates

work that is done urgently and therefore often poorly

high-speed operating mode

event in stagnant years that ends the month

rushed work done by the whole team

general hasty work of the entire crew on the ship

it starts on the ship after the command “all up”

in English this nautical term sounds like “over all” - “all up!”, but what does this word sound like in Russian?

work like on fire

running on the boatswain's whistle

clearing debris at work

What work is started when it should be finished?

assault work “for nothing”

parking on a boat

when there is a lot of work

sailors, there is a lot of work!

sailors' parking

mess with reports

parking at work

a lot of urgent work

work through the roof

when the work is through the roof

alarm work

hasty work on the ship

everyone is up, there is a lot of work!

emergency work all together

all hands on deck!

stressed on the ship

fever on the ship

general ship cleaning

general cleaning on the ship

urgent ship work

work for the ship's crew

ship cleaning storm

collective work on the ship

parking at the end of the month

urgent work of sailors

urgent work on a ship

collective work at the end of the month

urgent work for sailors

work "all the way"

parking on a ship

anxiety during a storm

assault at the end of the month

alarm on the ship

half-bass with mops

general work on board

fast work on the ship

operating mode under time pressure

hasty clearing of rubble

high speed operation

a jumble of letters from the word “lavra”

change the letters in the word "lavra"

anagram for the word "lavra"

A ship-scale emergency


Novgorod medieval sculptor


genus of herbaceous plants of the Norichinaceae family, growing predominantly. in swampy places; one of the species is used as a medicinal plant

poisonous plant of the noricaceae family

fever grass, horse tinder

noricaceae plant

poisonous swamp grass

perennial poisonous marsh grass

herb from noricaceae

genus of herbs from Norichinaceae


in Islam: a forbidden part of the body that must be covered with clothing



name of Canadian singer Lavigne



all people - . Only some have already admitted this, while others have not yet. The people that M. Svetlov meant

Who, according to General Makashov, is to blame for the fact that we are lazy, envious, thieving and poor?

a people historically dating back to the ancient Semitic tribes, now living in Israel and in many other countries

the people who led Moses through the desert

the people who invented matzah

people who suffered from the Holocaust

desert followers of the prophet Moses

Kosher food lovers

natives of Haifa and Tel Aviv

main population of Israel

believer at the Western Wall

eternal opponents of the Arab

they are considered God's chosen people

original people of Israel

Hebrew speaking people

natives of Tel Aviv and Haifa

indigenous people of Israel

neighbors of the Lebanese and Egyptians

native people of Israel

fans of kosher food


native of the "promised land"

the only possible nationality for a rabbi

native Israeli

representative of the people of Europe, Asia, Russia

the tragedy of the English playwright Christopher Marlowe “The Maltese. »

Yiddish speaking

Who doesn’t a anti-Jewish person like?

Eternal Jew by nationality

Charlie Chaplin by nationality

Christ by nationality

Abram Rabinovich's nationality

who speaks Hebrew?

resident of Tel Aviv and Haifa

believer at the Western Wall

native of Haifa and Tel Aviv

neighbor of Lebanese and Egyptian

desert wingman of the prophet Moses

kosher food lover

Tel Aviv native

Hebrew speaking believer

the eternal opponent of the Arab

original resident of Israel

native of Haifa and Tel Aviv

one of Moses' followers


(Evrit) one of the giants who entered into a fight with the gods.


modern official language of Israel

modern modification of Hebrew

official language of Israel

"hostile language" for an anti-Semite

What language is spoken in the synagogue?

Sholem Aleichem's native language

language of the people of Moses

a language that has all the rights equal to Yiddish

one of the Hebrew languages

language of the promised land

Jews speak this language

one of Israel's two languages

colleague and partner of Yiddish

the language of those who pay in shekels

language of the people of Israel

list of Jewish languages

official language of Israel

Israeli Jewish language

modern Hebrew


deep long depression on the surface of the earth

deep, long, steeply sloped depression on the earth's surface

deep valley with steep slopes

deep, steeply sloped pothole formed by watercourses

deep, elongated pothole

wrinkle on the body of the earth

manifestation of “caries” of the earth, which is combated by planting trees

synonym beam, log

the desire of the landscape to somehow shade the plain

hill exactly the opposite

Babi Yar near Kyiv

deep long depression with steep slopes

Babi Yar near Kyiv from a geographical point of view

beam, but not timber

deep crack in the ground

". Peyrule, Van Gogh

depression in the plain

large hole in the surface of the earth

beam washed with water (relief)

what is a gullet?

ditch under the viaduct

deep, long cavity

landform in the form of a large ditch

"wrinkle" on the earth's surface

Canyon's younger brother

channel for spring waters

Balki's little brother

long deep ravine

"canyon" for a stream

little brother beams (embossed)

beam's little brother (relief)

large gap in the surface. land

a ditch that ruined the plot


city ​​in Ukraine

city ​​in Ukraine


pictorial edition, a set of individual sheets of illustrations (folded or bound) with minimal captions

a large or especially valuable composition, monumental work; folio

luxuriously published album of engravings from paintings

luxury large format art edition

pictorial publication, a set of individual sheets of illustrations (in a folder or bound) with minimal caption text or extensive explanatory text

deluxe edition of engravings

expensive luxury edition

expensive book with engravings


7th President of Turkey


(Greek) ditch, channel


in Greek myths: father of Iola and Iphitus; son of Hermes; son of Actor

in Greek mythology, Argonaut, son of Hermes

one of the giants who fought the gods and was killed by Dionysus in ancient Greek mythology

Greek king, father of Talpius, who sought the hand of Helen in ancient Greek mythology

one of the conjoined twins, superior in strength to everyone living on earth, the son of Actor and Milion in ancient Greek mythology

son of Hermes, Argonaut in ancient Greek mythology

son of Hippocoont, king of Lacedaemon, killed by Hercules in ancient Greek mythology

the king of Oichalia who taught Hercules archery in ancient Greek mythology


Kenan (born 1918) President of Turkey 1982–89

Good evening! Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen! Friday! The capital show “Field of Miracles” is on air! And as usual, to the applause of the audience, I invite three players into the studio. And here is the task for this tour:

Question: "wrinkle" on the earth's surface (The word consists of 5 letters)

Answer: Ravine (5 letters)

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