How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at home forum

I'm 30 and a fine network of wrinkles has already appeared around my eyes. Of course, this is inevitable, but you still want to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. How can I remove it or at least make this grid less noticeable? Has anyone tried anything, peelings, laser, or maybe something else? I would be grateful for any advice. experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

I’m 27 and have the same problem, however, wrinkles are only under the eyes, there are no “crow’s feet” yet. I spread it with vegetable oil so that it doesn’t get worse. I'm afraid of all kinds of creams, my mother uses them, but I don't see any effect. So the question here is not how to remove wrinkles, but how not to worsen the condition of the skin. To hide wrinkles, you can use foundation, but I don’t use it yet; wrinkles are only visible if you hold the mirror very close. And now I know for sure that wrinkles also appear from stress. So take care of your nerves from a young age!

Here, if you are interested, look at folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes

1- Vegetable oil. Skin around the eyes.
This is the first time I've heard about this! The delicate skin around the eyes needs to be moisturized, not clogged with an oil film.
Don’t spare money on good creams, serums, gels, masks, and care from a cosmetologist. The face is a woman’s calling card.

If the wrinkles are not deep and have recently appeared, then good hydration can help. Choose the appropriate cream. I really like Guerlain eye moisturizer. And recently on one forum I was advised Blefarogel 1, sold in pharmacies, costs a penny. The main component is hyaluronic acid. I’m using it now, I like it too, it moisturizes very well


You can apply olive oil, but it makes me irritated.
When wrinkles are more obvious, Botox is injected under the eyes (but not the Botox that is put on the forehead, but some kind of diluted one). As a last resort - an operation, by the way, a girl I know already had it done at the age of 30, but she had very obvious wrinkles and crow's feet.

Only radical methods (surgeon, injections) can help you get rid of them, but you can reduce them with the help of professional care (I consider visiting a salon after 30 a necessity), and of course home care. Do not stretch the skin unnecessarily, do not rub your eyes, dry your face with a towel rather than rubbing it, apply the cream with light pats along the lines, do not apply night creams right before bed, do not drink excessively an hour or two before bed, sleep preferably on your back. That's how much has happened, of course, none of us clearly follows all these rules, but we must adhere to them if possible, and then the youth of the skin will last longer. Maybe someone wants to add something? I think everyone here will be happy with any recommendations.

5, exactly. You can't get rid of it with creams.

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Prevention is very simple: try not to squint and wear sunglasses in sunny times. I'm 50 and have no wrinkles in my eyes.

7 - yeah, they believed it, every second person here is 50 without wrinkles and with a girlish figure, photo taken in the studio!

I am 22, I have expression lines around my eyes, what do you advise me?

amused witch))))))))
So I advise you, kids.

I am 38 years old; creams cannot get rid of deep wrinkles, but Mustela creams with fucus oil help me very well with crow’s feet.

here are these medicinal creams

I recommend gel pads-patches under the eyes, some are expensive, and some are not so expensive. A cosmetologist recommended NaturAge (sold only in pharmacies 36.6) to me - she said that they work as effectively as the expensive ones, and cost 4 times less (approx. 150 rubles 6 pairs)

15 — what is the difference between these pads and the cream? I’m 30, for the last year I’ve been using the Chanel series to prevent the first signs - Beaute Initiale, however, with the onset of spring it got worse and worse. In general, I decided to fight wrinkles more radically, fell for active advertising, bought a cream from the new Chanel line repair series (the store said that it’s generally used for 40 years, but if “I’m really worried”, you can try one course, then return to the usual moisturizing - preventing. I’ve been actively smearing it for a week now, so far there’s nothing to brag about)))

From what I tried, the best one was Letual Strivectin 3D around the eyes, manufactured by. USA. I had an amazing effect (age 34) the cream lasted for a year. but unfortunately I don’t see it on sale now, I use l, octane series shea butter, it also softens well, but this one was generally excellent!

Girls, try Belkosmex wrinkle correctors. I noticed wrinkles around my eyes at the age of 27. For two years (I’m now 29), I tried everything, it seemed that they deepened even more, and then there’s my eternal problem of bags under the eyes (such the structure of the face, everything is fine with the kidneys) more steel. I thought I was already approaching age, my mood was at zero, I didn’t want to look in the mirror. I thought, well, if there’s no point, why throw money down the drain, I’ll buy cheaper cosmetics, the result will still be the same. I bought an Orchid wrinkle corrector. I applied it without enthusiasm, until after three weeks I noticed that small wrinkles had disappeared, and the deeper ones had become almost invisible. But the most pleasant thing for me is that the skin under my eyes has tightened, the bags have become smaller than at the age of 18. I’m shocked. Try it, especially since it costs about 100 rubles. There is no need to use it constantly, one or two courses a year, for prevention.
Belkosmex also has a Miriel corrector, which is also good, but I liked Orchid better. Moreover, you can apply them even at night before bed, in the morning there is no swelling, on the contrary, the skin is tightened.

13, Why, I wonder, should unfortunate minks pay for your wrinkles?

19, because in the next life 13 will become a mink)))

I’m 28 and I have a problem with wrinkles around my eyes, I was already getting depressed, I was constantly thinking about how to get rid of it, masks, creams, gels. I spent so much time and money on these experiments, but there was no use. Until I tried BLEPHAROGEL1 HURRAY. it really helped me, girls, I haven’t tried a better product yet, the whole problem is in the deep hydration due to the gel, wrinkles were smoothed out and crow’s feet are a thing of the past

Dear girls! Even if wrinkles appear around the eyes, there is no need to be upset. In most cases, they can be corrected. I am 21 years old, the skin around my eyes was always smooth - not a single wrinkle. I went on a diet, lost 6 kg in a short time, and, please, barely noticeable stripes appeared under my eyes. I started using Blefarogel1 together with RetinolS from Vichy, plus a milk mask. (Cut the white loaf into slices, place it in a paper bag, put it all in the refrigerator. Every morning, take the circle out of the refrigerator and soak it in whole (not pasteurized) warm milk, preferably for 20-30 minutes. The eyes should remain motionless. The result is visible after first use of the mask. Bags disappear, the skin is moisturized. Or use ice molds: pour milk (whole) into molds and place in the freezer. Every morning and every evening, carefully wipe the skin around the eyes and face with cubes of this milk ice. Tones and the skin becomes smooth Pink colour). Don’t be lazy to thoroughly cleanse the skin around your eyes, never go to bed with makeup on your face - it’s very harmful. Try to wear sunglasses often and don’t squint too much. A cosmetologist gave me these recommendations, if you follow them, wrinkles will not threaten you. I was very glad to share with you!

Wrinkles under the eyes are something no self-respecting girl should have. However, what to do if the cosmetics market is filled with so many eye creams, masks, serums, rollers, exercises and radical methods that it is difficult to understand what will be the best and most effective for solving the problem of wrinkles around the eyes. That is why, the editors of the magazine decided to conduct an experiment - to try out the most effective remedies, eye creams, and procedures in order to find out and share with you what really eliminates wrinkles around the eyes 100%.

This is not the first time our editors have conducted such experiments. Last time we told you about our experiments with Horse Shampoo, and a little earlier – the topical topic in spring: 5 reasons to use a cream with high SPF. This time, we'll explore the area around the eyes. Will we be able to find something that really deserves attention and not fall into banal advice - get enough sleep, drink more water and reduce stress?


We invited our active reader Ekaterina to our studio.

Ekaterina 29 years old, a clear, youthful oval of the face, elastic skin and very pronounced wrinkles around the eyes, plus dry skin of the eyelids, which immediately add +5 years to age.

Catherine's story: “I haven’t done much work with my face. And I started noticing wrinkles around my eyes about 2 years ago - I bought creams like Yves Rocher, Clinique - I applied them every evening, waiting for something to change. Alas. The situation is really deplorable, since my face is my calling card, I work as a hostess in an expensive restaurant and I need to look great. With nutrition everything is fine, well, the daily routine is, of course, shaky, and I also smoke. But a little. It’s not scary, is it?”

Ekaterina set us the condition that radical methods of influencing wrinkles around the eyes are still too early for her and she wants to start with something softer and neater, but she has a period of 4 months, after which she has a new contract in Dubai and will leave .


We offered her the following scheme:

January – face building + water + nutrition

February – face building + water + nutrition + natural care products

March – Chemical peeling with emphasis on the skin around the eyes + cream with spf

April – Biorevitalization + cream with spf

Naturally, if Ekaterina shows results from the first month, we continue to focus on them without moving to the next stage of the experiment.

Here's what we got:


1. Every morning and evening, do face-building gymnastics for 15 minutes on the area around the eyes.

2. Add more water to your diet - 200 ml (1 glass) before each meal, so that a total of 2 liters comes out.

3. Limit coffee to 1 cup in the morning. Drinks include only green tea. Its volume is not included in the 2 liters of moisture consumed per day

Catherine:“At first I liked the proposed scheme; for the first 3 days, I stood up cheerfully and did exercises in front of the mirror to the music. It seemed to me 1 week and everything would be fine. Then it became harder, I reduced it to 5 minutes a day. And sometimes I skipped evening exercises. I don’t know why, but it was somehow difficult for me to organize myself. There were no issues with water. Saw. But with coffee there is a problem. I often allowed myself 2 and 3 cups. You understand, the work is nervous, you need to keep yourself in good shape. I'm not happy with the result. In my opinion, nothing has changed. The wrinkles near the eyes were and remain.”

A comment:“Indeed, in January, the area around the eyes did not change. Even a controlled larger amount of water, designed to saturate this area, failed. So let's move on to a new scheme."


1. Every morning and evening, do face-building gymnastics for 30 minutes on the area around the eyes.

2. Water and coffee - the same as last month, but strictly

3. Natural skin care products around the eyes - use almond oil, which is written about on the Internet that it is No. 1 in the fight against crow's feet and every morning - an ice cube with chamomile 2-3 glides over the lower and upper eyelids

Catherine:“I don’t know how I survived this whole month. I did everything as in the task - I exfoliated my skin every morning and evening, completely removed coffee, smeared almond oil and ice. I freaked out like I don’t know who. But I don’t know the result. It seems that my skin has become a little moisturized, but in the photographs from my birthday I still have the same appearance. Although I was against cosmetic procedures, it seems that nothing but them will help me.”

A comment:“Ekaterina honestly worked through February, sending daily reports, and we were sincerely surprised that, despite this, the result left much to be desired. We seriously questioned gymnastics, nutrition and natural remedies.”


1. Every 7 days – chemical peeling for the face, focusing on the area around the eyes

2. Every evening - foam with panthenol, for healing and regeneration of the skin after peeling

3. Before going out in the sun, apply a rich cream with SPF 50 (in her case it was a bit too much, but we decided to play it safe).

4. Food, water - no changes, but we were allowed to be more loyal to reports on this item

Catherine:“It wasn’t difficult to go to a cosmetologist every week for peeling. The procedure took 40 minutes and the most important thing is that I saw the result after the first session. The skin began to really smooth out, the wrinkles near the eyes decreased a little, but the dryness was still the same. The cosmetologist told me that only hyaluronic acid - in the form of injections and creams - can nourish and restore a toned appearance to the skin around the eyes. So I can't wait for the next stage. As for the cream with spf - it’s greasy for me, it’s hard to absorb, but there’s nothing you can do, if you can’t live without it, I’ll put up with it.”

A comment:“Over this month, we clearly began to see that the scheme is working. In 3 weeks, Ekaterina’s complexion evened out, her skin became more vibrant and fresh, and the wrinkles under her eyes were less noticeable. The skin in this area is still dry and thin. The lack of nutrition is visible from within. We are waiting for injections and supportive care.”


1. Every 7 days – we continue chemical peeling of the face with an emphasis on the area around the eyes (with the expectation that there will be a total of 10 procedures)

2. Every 10 days – injections of hyaluronic acid into the area around the eyes (biorevitalization)

3. In the evening and in the morning – on the area around the eyes – a professional cream with deeply penetrating biopeptides (in our case it is the “Christina” cream).

4. Every evening - foam with panthenol on the entire facial skin, excluding eyelids, for healing and regeneration of the skin after peeling.

5. Before going out in the sun, apply a rich cream with spf, including under the eyes, on top of a lifting eyelid cream.

6. Food, water - no change.

Catherine:“I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself. Is this really me? This acid is just a godsend. Now, on the advice of a cosmetologist, I will go for these injections every six months, they are worth it! Damn, why didn't I know about this before! It took so much time. Thank God, now the situation can still be corrected and quite quickly. So, I wanted to say about the eye cream – it’s mega! Odorless, very easy to apply, quickly absorbed, and most importantly, I really feel how my skin is absorbing every drop - I think even with the naked eye it’s noticeable how much better I look!”

Important! We publish photos of lifting eye creams not for advertising purposes. For home use, any professional series selected for your skin type and epidermis condition is perfect. Helpful advice: pay attention to the active ingredients - the closer they are to the top of the list, the greater the concentration.

Silk EyeLift cream - composition and box

A comment:“We were sincerely delighted at such a positive reaction from Ekaterina and her attitude. April was truly indicative, and although the course of procedures has not yet been completed - she still has 3 more biorevitalization sessions for the skin around the eyes and 2 peelings ahead - we clearly saw which cosmetic schemes for wrinkles near the eyes really work!”

Anastasia Ostroverkhova, Bachelor of Medicine with a degree in Laboratory Diagnostics, specialist in quality, standardization, certification of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products:“I like that Ekaterina switched from almond oil to professional cosmetics. Good creams are not cheap (for example, Christina cream is about $30), but they really work and have a rich composition of great ingredients. For example, in “Christina” - hydrolyzed sesame protein, soybean oil, hydrolyzed rice bran protein, tocopheryl acetate, allantoin, green tea leaf extract, silkworm lipids. What about almond butter? It is better to apply it to the skin of the body after a shower. There will be more sense."

Yulia Ryzleitseva, leading cosmetologist at the Panterra sports and fitness complex, Kharkiv: In the case of Ekaterina, it was clear to me from the very beginning that changing her diet and almond oil would not help her. The skin around the eyes was really very dry, and peelings + biorevitalization dealt with this problem perfectly! It’s good that the girl began to use a professional cream - in her situation, such rich nutrition in the cream is a vital necessity. By the way, if Ekaterina had delayed going to the cosmetologist, after a while the wrinkles under her eyes could only be removed surgically. Everything is fine on time.


Thus, having conducted a new experiment from our magazine editors on the topic “How to remove wrinkles around the eyes,” we can confidently say that your assistants in this difficult task can be: chemical peeling, biorevitalization and professional cosmetics. Be beautiful, well-groomed and follow the experiments and research in the field of beauty in our “Beauty” section.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? [#folk, hardware and injection methods]

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes? This question worries many representatives of the fair sex, starting from almost a young age. Girls already in adolescence understand how important it is to take care of their face.

It’s great if you are a cheerful woman and smile often! But sometimes this can be accompanied by the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as wrinkles around the eyes. Such a network of rays extending from the outer corner of the eye can occur in adolescence and subsequently worsen.

The skin around the eyes is especially susceptible to deformation. The layer of subcutaneous fat here is barely palpable. Systematic stretching of tissues, due to almost constant muscle contraction, only aggravates the situation. Lack of sleep and insufficient care have a negative impact on the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Try to sleep on your back to prevent wrinkles! The total duration of sleep should not be less than 8 hours.

When should you start fighting wrinkles?

This can be done both at home and in cosmetology centers. Dealing with the problem on your own is more difficult, but also possible.

Unwanted folds on the face can appear even with the right lifestyle. Premature aging can be promoted by unfavorable environmental factors or features of facial expressions.

Therefore, it is recommended to resort to conservative rejuvenation of the area around the eyes at the first appearance of problems.

The assortment of cosmoceutical stores and pharmacies now has plenty of products in the form of a variety of natural oils, vitamin products with extracts from medicinal plants, masks with fruit and vegetable extracts that can help cope with this task.

Prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the paraorbital zone, starting from school years!

12 most important causes of wrinkles

There are a lot of reasons. Perhaps knowledge about them can, at least partially, protect your skin. He who is forewarned is forearmed. So:

  1. Frequent smiles, grimaces. Cosmetologists advise showing less emotion to others. Don't turn your face into a lifeless mask. However, try to ensure that excessive facial expressions do not cause distortion of the muscles under the eyes.

Frequent squinting with poor vision contributes to the formation of facial wrinkles.

  1. Dramatic weight loss. If you are trying to lose extra pounds, be sure to use cosmetics with a tightening effect.
  2. Genetics. Dry and sensitive skin around the eyes. Hereditary predisposition often leads to early withering. If a mother’s expression lines appear early, most likely her daughter will also face this problem at the same age.
  3. Incorrect self-massage. It is wrong to learn massage from books. A cosmetologist should teach you proper massaging movements.
  4. Muscle fatigue in the area around the eyes. Take the time to visit an orthopedist to help you choose the right pillow for sleeping.
  5. Including unhealthy foods in the menu. In particular, fatty, salty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, and smoked foods. Deficiency of vital vitamins.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.
  1. Signs of internal organ disorder always reflected on the face. Low-quality, expired or counterfeit cosmetics without the appropriate certificate. Using cosmetics that are not appropriate for your skin type and age. Sudden climatic changes.
  2. No sunglasses with frequent exposure to the sun and exposure to ultraviolet rays on the area around the eyes, abuse of solarium. Skin contact with sea salt or chemicals such as bleach. Swimming in chlorinated water.
  3. Failure to comply with the norm of water balance in the body. It is very important to drink water!

Make it a rule to drink at least one and a half liters of water every day.

  1. Bad habits. Alcohol and cigarette abuse. If you don't want to suffer from early aging, sacrifice these bad habits for your beauty, which requires them.
  2. Stress and depression. Live calmly and enjoy life! And then your skin will thank you.

Simple recommendations on how to remove wrinkles around the eyes forever

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home? There are several ways. Which one to choose is largely determined by age. For example, wrinkles can appear around the eyes even at age 25. How to remove them?

To eliminate wrinkles in the eye area, you should use the following techniques:

  1. selection of the right cosmetics;
  2. use of traditional medicine;
  3. performing a set of exercises;
  4. performing massage;
  5. applying patches.

All these methods have their own characteristics. They really work. But to achieve real results, you need to be patient.

In addition, it is recommended to approach the issue comprehensively and use several options at once. Let's study them in more detail.

Good cosmetics are the right path to perfection

To begin with, you should choose good cosmetics. Many girls take this issue lightly. They don’t think about the fact that foundations, powders, and shadows, while on the skin, gradually leave their mark.

It is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. Even budget options can be of high quality, the main thing is to pay attention to their components and read product reviews.

Cosmetics must have a balanced mineral and vitamin composition and be age-appropriate. Give preference to options that suit your skin type.

From a young age you can already use balms, gels, creams that moisturize, tone the skin and slightly tighten it.

It is recommended to pay attention to the following cosmetic products:

  1. Serums that contain vitamin C. This component will improve collagen production, protect against ultraviolet rays, and accelerate regeneration functions.
  2. Creams based on Retinol.
  3. Creams containing hyaluronic acid. Such products make the skin elastic and rejuvenate it.

It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist who will select the appropriate product, taking into account your skin type.

Traditional anti-aging methods

You can remove wrinkles at home even after 50 years. Before turning to plastic surgery or hardware cosmetology, use folk remedies, which every woman has in her arsenal, inherited from her grandmothers.

In particular, you can resort to such a proven tool as masks. You can always prepare them yourself, and select the components depending on your skin type and age.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Aloe juice. This component is applied to the eye area; there is no need to dilute it.
  2. Parsley mask. This greenery is crushed, placed in gauze and placed on the eyes for a third of an hour.
  3. Coconut oil. It is regularly applied to the tender area to reduce wrinkles.
  4. Use of olive oil. This natural component can stimulate an improvement in the production of collagen and reduce wrinkles. A quarter of an hour before bedtime, you should spread it on the skin. After the time has passed, the product is soaked with a napkin.
  5. Cucumber mask. This is the simplest but most effective method of rejuvenation. With its help they fight puffiness and aging. Cucumber slices are placed on the eyes for a third of an hour.
  6. Potato power. Raw potatoes are finely grated. The gruel is mixed with a spoon of cream. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and placed on the eyes for half an hour. Finally, you need to wash your face.
  7. Bread mask. Pieces of white bread are placed in milk. This paste-like composition is placed on the eyes for a quarter of an hour. It is also recommended to combine the mask with olive and lemon oil.
  8. Banana rejuvenation. Many women enjoy this exotic fruit, unaware of its magical properties. The banana is mashed, mixed with 2 tsp. butter, previously melted. This mask is placed on the eyes for a third of an hour.
  9. Apple mask. Add a spoonful of sour cream to the grated apple. The mixture is placed on the eyes and removed after a third of an hour.
  10. Honey-strawberry nutrition. The berries are pureed, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey All this is wrapped in gauze and laid out over the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Another method - compressesBased on herbal infusions. They relieve swelling, fatigue and wrinkles. Ice from an infusion of black or green tea can be used to wipe problem areas in the morning.

The ice should be left on for about 15 minutes, after which it is removed. For herbal ice floes, a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or sage is suitable.

TOP 5 exercises against wrinkles near the eyes

How to remove expression wrinkles around the eyes at home? This is also easy to do using gymnastics. There are a number of exercises that help combat age-related changes. Here are the most popular:

  1. The sheet is placed approximately at a distance of a meter, the gaze is focused on the point, then transferred to other objects.
  2. Then the woman closes her eyes and relaxes her eyes. Movement of the eyeballs in different directions is a good prevention of the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. To tighten the skin under the eyebrows, lift them as high as possible with all your might and fix them with the phalanges of your index fingers. Then you will need to close your eyes tightly.
  4. Squeeze and then relax your eyelids. Open your eyes only after you finish the exercise.
  5. Using the pads of your index fingers, lightly press the outer corners of your eyes, and with your middle fingers, press the inner corners. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows in surprise.

Each exercise is worth repeating a dozen times. The complex is done daily, preferably 2 times a day.

There are special exercises, allowing you to remove wrinkles at home even after 45 years and older. They aim to tighten sagging skin without surgery. They are sometimes able to straighten the most pronounced wrinkles.

A month of systematic training will already give tangible, visible results. You will look five years younger due to the fact that wrinkles will smooth out.


A good effect is achieved by massaging the outer corners of the eyes with your fingertips, raising the eyebrows and closing the eyes.

You can also massage the eye area for preventive purposes. Cosmetologists advise using some oils or other fatty products during massage. They will prevent stretching of the skin.

By massaging the skin, you can achieve good results, as blood circulation, oxygen and important substances will improve.

During the procedure, there is no need to put excessive pressure on the skin.

The massage itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Take any oil that is beneficial for the skin and apply it to the affected area.
  2. Next, the movement of the fingers begins: from the upper eyelid it moves to the temples, then returns back. The same manipulations are performed for the lower eyelids.
  3. The number “8” is made with your fingers from the outer corner to the inner one.
  4. Various points in the area being massaged are pressed alternately.
  5. Lightly pull the skin towards the temples using your fingers.

To get a noticeable effect, you should repeat the exercises at least 3 times a week.

Do not self-massage uncontrollably! At least in the first stages, a specialist should observe your actions.

Patches are a useful device

Today, patches that are created to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes and swelling are considered quite popular.

Patch is a patch that manufacturers have impregnated with useful substances. They are easy to use: simply stick to clean skin. In the future, the woman can continue to do her business.

Reviews from many people speak about the effectiveness of the technique.

Glue the patches carefully, evenly, closer to the wrinkles in the corner area of ​​the eye.

TOP 5 cosmetic injection procedures

Small expression wrinkles can be removed using more radical methods. Various ultra-modern techniques used in aesthetic centers make it possible to tighten flabby tissue almost without any discomfort and in a short time.

When choosing a method, the specialist will take into account such phenomena as:

  1. excessive dry skin;
  2. puffiness, blueness under the eyes, resulting from the fact that venous blood flow is reduced;
  3. wrinkles.

The most effective methods are considered to be:

  1. Mesotherapy is a cocktail of drugs that a cosmetologist selects individually. This formula is enriched with a vitamin complex, antioxidants with the addition of hyaluronan, which is injected under the skin with the finest needle.
  2. Biorevitalization is almost an analogue of mesotherapy, only the chemical formula includes hyaluronate to a greater extent.
  3. Introduction of fillers - hyaluronan gels with the addition of mineral elements. The saturation and formula of the fillers are determined by the doctor.
  4. Plasmolifting. The mechanism is similar to mesotherapy, but the tightening effect is achieved by introducing the patient’s plasma into the periorbital area. This is especially convenient if she may have allergic reactions to any medications.
  5. Botox. A salon procedure, which is allowed from 25-30 years of age, is botulinum therapy. Botox injections are not the best option, despite the noticeable quick effect. Unfortunately, the drug is addictive. The duration of the effect is significantly reduced in subsequent sessions.

Remember that Botox does not rejuvenate the skin, but only relaxes the facial muscles!

4 basic hardware procedures

This is the fight against wrinkles around the eyes using specialized equipment. The action of such techniques is aimed at stimulating the natural synthesis of fibrillar threads and accelerating the processes of rehabilitation in tissues.

The most popular manipulations:

  1. Photorejuvenation – improvement of metabolic processes in the epithelium, elimination of wrinkles in the area around the eyes. The result is achieved through exposure to light radiation.
  2. RF facelift is a directed action of radio waves that causes a thermal reaction in the inner layers of the epidermis. The effect is noticeable almost immediately.
  3. Microcurrents are electrical stimulation of skin cells. Speeds up metabolic processes in it six times.
  4. Laser rejuvenation is an improved method of skin resurfacing.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

I can exclusively advise all girls to adhere to important rules. First, never forget to remove your makeup before going to bed. Secondly, from a young age you need to provide the skin with nutrition and moisturize it. There are a lot of suitable products on sale for this purpose. Remember that you need to apply the cream precisely. Thirdly, don’t forget about toning. To do this, you should use lotions and tonics. But even careful care cannot prevent age-related changes. To begin with, you can use home secrets, but when they are powerless, I advise you to use cosmetic procedures.

Sanas Kharirchyan

plastic surgeon

I advise you to take care of your skin from an early age, taking into account your skin type. But aging is an irreversible process. Good and regular care will improve the condition of the epithelium, but it will not be able to eliminate deep wrinkles and sagging skin. In this case, you should pay attention to injection and hardware procedures. Plastic surgery can also come to the rescue. Patients who want to remove wrinkles from the eye area undergo blepharoplasty. The operation will help you look 10-15 years younger.

How much does smooth skin cost? (price)

Procedure name approximate cost
Mesotherapy About 3000 rubles
Biorevitalization From 7000 to 13000 rubles
Fillers From $300 to $500 per syringe
Plasmolifting From 6,000 to 51,000 rubles
Photorejuvenation From 2500 to 7000 rubles
Russian Federation lifting About 3,000 rubles



“Before the biorevitalization itself, the doctor applied an anesthetic cream for 10 minutes, and then gave an injection. I took it easily, like a mosquito bite. The effect is noticeable almost immediately, as soon as the injection marks have passed. That is, already in the first week the wrinkles around the eyes decreased.”


“I’m very afraid of plastic surgery and all these newfangled cosmetic procedures. That’s why my grandmother’s remedies always suited me. Ice, masks... Maybe because I don’t have a particular tendency towards wrinkles. I’m in my fifties, but no one is older than 35.”


“I have trouble with wrinkles around my eyes. I dared to try Botox. At first I was wildly delighted, then the joy diminished. We have to resort to the services of cosmetologists more and more often. I'll soon go broke on beauty..."


“I am very happy with kelp masks. The skin after each session is like new. And, in general, girls, you just need to systematically take care of yourself with love, and everything will be fine!”


“I used fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which breaks down directly in the tissues; there is no need to remove it. I'm happy with everything except the price.”


“Wrinkles around my eyes began to appear when I was 15. I immediately started using my mother’s cosmetics, probably in vain. The problems only got worse by the age of 30. On the advice of a friend, I tried Botox, but there was no noticeable effect either. But microcurrents helped. Now I can’t tear myself away from the mirror for hours, I look and can’t get enough of it.”

From the above, we can draw the following conclusion - in order not to suffer from wrinkles around the eyes, start taking care of yourself from a young age and choose cosmetics wisely. If there is no effect, injection and hardware methods of aesthetic cosmetology will always come to the rescue.