How to paint wrinkles under the eyes

1. Hydration is the key to success

Girls with dry and combination skin, take note that before starting any makeup, the first thing you should do is moisturize your skin. Otherwise, even the smallest wrinkles will smile sarcastically through any makeup. Ideally, choose a moisturizing foundation. Don't forget: the tone should match your skin tone. A color that is too dark will make you look older, and a color that is too light will make you look like one of the characters from the Twilight Saga.

2. Masking with tone

When choosing foundation, avoid oil-based products and choose something with a silky texture.
When applying, start from the cheekbones, then move to the nose, then the chin and forehead. This should be done with gentle movements of the fingertips. You should not apply the tone to the nasolabial folds, just tint the areas around the wrinkles. This will help make your skin smoother.

To remove excess cream, use a sponge to go over the skin, especially in places where wrinkles appear.

3. Should you use concealer?

Absolutely yes. This will help visually even out the skin texture and hide shallow wrinkles. Makeup artists say one of the advantages of concealer is its ability to absorb quickly and last a long time.

4. Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And our souls are always young! To ensure your eyes always sparkle with youth, avoid loose powder, because... it only emphasizes wrinkles. Under-eye circles are well disguised with a light concealer. But if you want to emphasize the beauty of your eyes, outline only the upper eyelid and do not paint over the lower eyelashes, so as not to draw attention to minor age-related imperfections.

Now let's move on to the shadows. To ensure that they last a long time and do not smear, first apply foundation to your eyelids. In shades, give preference to pastel tones, 1-2 shades darker than your skin color. And that is not all! Use a white or beige pencil to draw the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Did you do everything right? Then your look will surely shine and conquer all the men of this planet.

5. A smile is our calling card

Yes, yes, everyone knows about it, and we never cease to delight others with a sweet, charming, seductive smile. But what to do with the wrinkles that have formed in the corners of the lips? Don't worry, they can be easily hidden with a light concealer. Gloss will also help make your lips look younger. The shades don’t matter; you can choose the color of your dress, your partner’s tie, or your mood. Just remember to highlight the middle part of your lips with a lighter shade, which will give extra volume to your lips.

6. The role of blush

For anti-aging makeup, blush with a creamy texture that masks rather than emphasizes wrinkles is more suitable. Blush looks very impressive in a combination of two shades: pink - on the “apples”
cheeks and bronze ones - below the cheekbones. This technique will refresh the face, raise the cheekbones, and therefore make the face look younger.

7. Ten hard “no’s” for anti-aging makeup

•Say no to greasy foundation.
•Do not choose a foundation that is too light.
•Do not overuse concealer: apply it only to problem areas with a special brush.
• “Don’t over-powder”: in order not to dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, and therefore not emphasize wrinkles, apply powder only to the T-zone.
•Do not wear dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. Otherwise, it will make your eyes look smaller and highlight the circles and wrinkles under your eyes.
•Forget about pearlescent shadows that emphasize facial wrinkles.
•A firm “no” to mascara on the lower eyelashes.
•Avoid greasy and liquid lipsticks, which spread and accumulate in wrinkles, making your face look several years older.
•Do not use dark shades of lipstick: it makes you look older.
•Throw away orange and brown blushes, which look unnatural and draw undue attention to wrinkles.

Follow these simple rules, dear girls! Always remain young, attractive and cheerful! Love yourself, with or without wrinkles!!




Botox injections are the fastest and easiest way to get rid of mesh around the eyes. Just a couple of units of botulinum toxin can smooth out any wrinkles. The method of action is simple: Botox relaxes the muscles that we tense when we smile, squint in the bright sun or try to see something.

This method copes with both expression and age wrinkles. The only thing is that you need to inject before the lines deepen and deform the deep tissues. The final result after Botox can be assessed two weeks after the procedure, and the effect itself will last from 2-3 months to a year.


Minimally invasive procedures are becoming increasingly popular. Today, blepharoplasty is performed in 40 minutes. Unlike traditional surgery, an incision is made on the inside of the eye (on the mucous membrane), through which the fatty hernia is pulled out - the cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes and folds on the upper eyelid. What’s nice is that a couple of hours after the operation you can return to your normal lifestyle - there will be no swelling or bruises.

Permanent makeup

Few people know that permanent makeup has long been not limited to outlining the eyebrows and the space between eyelashes. Camouflage tattooing is a method of coloring the skin that helps to permanently get rid of dark circles and age spots around the eyes.

The technique is simple and familiar - using a special device, paint of a suitable shade is driven under the skin. The pigment hides traces of lack of sleep and the “panda effect” in one procedure. Bonus: after permanent makeup, wrinkles also become less noticeable, because the tone on the face is evened out, which is similar to applying concealer.


Those who still prefer to hide wrinkles with concealer and foundation should also take into account a couple of important nuances. Must-have is a primer or base for makeup around the eyes. The product will fill in wrinkles so that concealer or foundation does not sink deep and highlight imperfections.

Among direct concealers, you should choose fluids or CC creams with a light watery texture. This will help not to overload your makeup and avoid the layering effect.

Home care

To hide crow's feet, sometimes it's enough to moisturize your skin well. It will smooth out quite quickly (an important point - this method is suitable for insolation and lack of fluid, and not for age-related changes, when hydration is also important, but does not solve the problem itself).

Various serums and eye patches will cope with the task. You need to apply patches every morning and do your usual activities - after 15–20 minutes, the skin will be saturated with liquid and will be perfectly smooth.


  1. how to hide wrinkles with cosmetics


  1. - olive oil;
  2. - vitamin E;
  3. - sour cream;
  4. - grape essential oil;
  5. - white beans;
  6. - lemon juice;
  7. - vitamin complexes.



Medical supplies
The most effective (and radical) method in the fight against wrinkles is Botox. The poison contained in it blocks nerve impulses, preventing muscles from contracting. As a result, wrinkles no longer deepen. True, the procedure will have to be repeated several times a year.

You can also use special patches that “freeze” facial expressions. They are glued to areas most susceptible to emotional movements and left overnight.


Before applying the mask, clean your face of any remaining makeup and dirt and apply a compress of linen cloth soaked in hot water. This extraordinary procedure will enhance the effect of the masks.

Masks made from boiled corn, peas, beans, pumpkin and potatoes have a good nutritional effect. These products can be combined with olive oil, various dairy products and honey. If you need to whiten your skin, use lemon, cucumber, currants and gooseberries. Raspberries, strawberries, and peach fruits have softening properties. Pomegranate, egg white, quince and lingonberry will help narrow enlarged pores.

At the first signs of skin aging, it is useful to make compresses from medicinal herbs. Coltsfoot, chamomile, sea buckthorn and yarrow have a good rejuvenating and tightening effect. Soak a linen napkin in the herbal decoction and apply to your face for 10-15 minutes. You can cover the top with a terry towel to keep warm.

After any mask, you need to apply cream to the skin. To prepare it, take the zest of three lemons, pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave to steep for 8 hours. Then strain the liquid and mix with the juice of three lemons, 1 tsp. honey and olive oil, 2 tbsp. cologne and cream. The product must be stored in the refrigerator. Warm the cream to room temperature before use.

Anti-aging cream can be made from chicken yolk, crushed rowan berries and honey. All components are taken in equal proportions. Mix the products until smooth and add 15-20 ml of camphor alcohol. Store the finished cream in the refrigerator.