Bepanten plus cream reviews

Negative reviews

  1. the usefulness of the product is questionable
  2. Expensive
  3. doesn't help with burns
  4. doesn't help with cracks
  5. I’m not sure if it can be left off before feeding.
  6. not effective
  7. smells bad

I’m getting a lot of downvotes now, but I just can’t remain silent! I don’t understand where there are so many positive reviews, because this product is complete nonsense! Very advertised, expensive and absolutely ineffective! I understand why doctors and magazines “recommend” it, but what exactly is it? Personally, the mere mention of this name makes me shake! So, I was getting ready to go to the maternity hospital and bought myself “Bepanten Plus” (I listened to the advice!). I prepared the nipples in advance, but, of course, I couldn’t avoid cracks. My cracks were shallow, but my neighbor’s were bleeding! We began to smear ourselves: we smeared - we took air baths - zero effect! Ingredients: although the substances are useful (and is it a fact that they are useful?), they are absolutely chemical! And don’t wash this off before giving it to the baby? In the evening, my husband brought me Purelan from Medela - pure lanolin. The wounds healed quickly. The very next day I fed the baby without pain! Then I used it throughout the entire GW, and it wasn’t even going to end. And I gave “Bepanten” to my neighbors. Her nipples did not heal until she was discharged, even though she smeared herself with it all the time. Her baby was also susceptible to allergic reactions and irritations. He developed diaper rash. On the advice of the “specialists,” she began to smear them with “Bepanten” - there was no harm, but it took a long time to heal; when they were discharged from the maternity hospital, everything was in the same condition.

After some time, I severely burned my leg. Mom bought this “miracle remedy” again, and again I didn’t see any effect, then we bought regular “Panthenol” - the pain went away quickly, and it healed in one fell swoop.

In general, Bepanten may work with long-term use, but I personally did not notice any effect. There are better products, including products at a lower price. Don't be fooled by advertising! Take care of your children - do not put pure chemicals in their mouths from the first days!

This cream did not help either me or my child.

Bepanten was very persistently sold to me in maternity hospital No. 9 in St. Petersburg. I was also pleasantly surprised that the frankly indifferent and boorish staff suddenly unexpectedly showed concern.

It didn’t even alarm me that it was prescribed to absolutely everyone. It was offered as a means for breast healing, they said that it does not need to be washed off and is not dangerous for the child. It can also be used as a diaper cream.

It healed absolutely nothing on my chest. The child, encountering the cream on the nipple, openly spat. And after that I suffered with my stomach. Of course, there are many reasons for infants to have abdominal pain, but why does he need external cream in his mouth?

After the cream had no effect on me, I began to smear it on the child’s bottom. His diaper rash also remained in place.

If you nevertheless decide to buy Bepanten as prescribed by a doctor, you should not do it in the building of the maternity hospital itself - their pharmacy is much more expensive. And at the same time, ask the pharmacist for a cheaper alternative in case it doesn’t help you, just like it didn’t help me.

I didn’t find anything positive or good in this product for myself and my children. As usually happens, my baby developed a rash and needed to be treated somehow, but the pharmacy recommended this drug to us. I smeared it, did everything according to the instructions, everyone around me was controlled, because it was then that we had our first child and nothing happened. This ointment did not help us at all, we tried it several times and every time it was the same, the rash never went away. Therefore, we had to give it to one of our friends who had a child, in case it would help them somehow - children are different. Even someone advised me what else helps with cracked nipples, but I tried it there too - it didn’t help, the baby still bit and it happened more even after bipanten. As a result, it’s just a waste of money, and the price is already very expensive, and even then it wasn’t cheap. For the baby’s bottom, we bought other products and didn’t regret a second, and they got rid of the rash and wasted money, since they chose a cheaper one.

I can recommend this product, but unfortunately it is not suitable for everyone.

  1. Absorbs quite quickly.

Before getting ready for the maternity hospital, the question arose about purchasing an ointment that would heal the cracks in the nipples, which were the prospect of the first days of feeding the baby.

After reading good reviews, I bought Bepanten and with peace of mind I was going to the maternity hospital.

A week before giving birth, I cut my finger, the cut was not significant, but I decided to try the ointment. To my surprise, the ointment did not help, which upset me. But I convinced myself that it would work with nipples.

On the first day after I started breastfeeding, my nipples turned red and inflamed, I actively rubbed them with Bepanten, but it was all useless, silicone pads didn’t help either, on the second day my nipples simply cracked and I cried in pain. Blood was oozing. On the advice of the obstetrician, my husband brought me another ointment, which saved me from such suffering in a couple of hours.

I read a lot of positive reviews about Bepanten Plus cream, almost everyone recommends it. I don’t understand why, I don’t see any results from this cream.

I bought it for 360 rubles.

The tube is iron, the lid is convenient.

The cream is white, thick, and oily. It smears a little hard and is not absorbed instantly.

I smeared this cream on wounds, scratches, redness, and acne marks. Well, no result at all. Whatever I smeared, whatever I didn’t smear, heals in exactly the same amount of time, the scars remain, not everything heals.

So for me this cream is a waste of money.

For some reason this cream didn’t suit me. Sorry if I offended anyone with my negative review, because many are delighted with this cream.

General impression: But it doesn't help me.

Neutral reviews

  1. without smell
  2. heals quickly
  3. restores damaged skin
  4. heals the skin
  5. you don't have to wash it off
  6. instantly relieves pain

Hello everyone, friends!

For the past month I have been wanting to write a review about the Bepanten cream, which, judging by the review, is an excellent product for skin regeneration.

My acquaintance with the cream began in a cosmetologist's office. After laser resurfacing, I was prescribed Bepanten Plus as a drug that will speed up the regeneration process and help my skin get rid of crusts faster.

First, I will share my impressions of use, and then I will talk about the pros, cons and composition of this product.

Indications for the use of this cream are abrasions, scratches, wounds, minor burns and other joys of life that you want to get rid of as soon as possible

My impressions. Since after the resurfacing procedure my skin was burning and painful, I wanted to quickly soften it and relieve the pain, which “Bepanten” managed with a 5+. Its creamy, rather greasy formula perfectly softened first my sunburned skin, and then the crusts that formed after the procedure.

BUT a day after resurfacing, I started breaking out with huge pustular pimples! I was simply horrified because my cosmetologist and I successfully defeated this problem. The doctor warned about such a reaction, but it was still unpleasant. The oily formula of the cream provokes the appearance of acne. Even after stopping the drug, I treated and restored the skin for another 1.5 months, just before the next procedure. In the photo you can see this “side effect”.

The advantages include an unobtrusive smell, pleasant consistency and analgesic effect. The ointment is quite economical, and despite the fact that I frantically smeared my cheek for 7 days the first time and 5 days the second time, the amount of cream decreased by a quarter during the entire period of use.

Minuses: as I already wrote, this is the occurrence of acne, oiliness, and also a very high, exorbitant price of 430 rubles.

At the moment, after two resurfacing procedures, I abandoned this cream and switched to a super cheap analogue, “Methyluracil ointment” (price about 30-60 rubles). On the third day of resurfacing, no rashes were found, which, of course, makes me happy. It is worth admitting that the regenerative properties of methyluracil ointment are much higher than Bepanten, because my skin recovers faster.

I think that this ointment can be left in the medicine cabinet and smeared on the “pimples” on the hands during terrible and cold winters, when ordinary hand creams cannot cope with this problem. But still, I will not use this cream again, no matter how good they didn't talk about him. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, it didn’t suit me.

Again, I wish everyone good skin, health and harmony with themselves! Thank you for reading my review.

Wound healing ointment "Bepanten Plus" - It heals something, but it takes a long time.

  1. Softens the skin
  2. has no smell.

I first met Bepanten-Plus in the maternity hospital after the birth of my first child, when my nipples began to bleed from inexperience with breastfeeding. I bravely endured the pain, but when the child began to regurgitate blood from such milk, I, frightened, rushed to the doctor, and she ordered my relatives to bring this ointment to the hospital.

I smeared my nipples, they became soft, but no more. The pain and bleeding did not go away. Another doctor in the same maternity hospital did not advise to smear anything at all, since everything would be passed on to the child, and this is undesirable. As a result, I was cured by competently attaching the baby to the breast.

Then I tried to smear Bepanten plus on various wounds, burns, scratches for myself and my children, but it did not relieve the pain as stated, and tissue regeneration was very slow.

It seems that it is also an antiseptic. So you can smear it on minor injuries, but due to the pointlessness of long-term healing, we rarely use it.

I would like to say that Bepanten Plus ointment is a truly effective healing agent. I used this ointment after getting a tattoo. I applied Bepanten Plus ointment for 10 days and was pleased with the result. The healing went well. But a little later I decided to get a second tattoo. I wanted to buy this ointment again, but the pharmacist advised me to buy a cheaper one (D-Panthenol). Heeding this advice, I purchased this ointment. And imagine, the effect was exactly the same. The only difference is the price. If "Bepanten Plus" costs about 600 rubles, then "D-Panthenol" costs no more than 100 rubles. But Bepanten is an expensive pleasure, not everyone can afford such an expensive product.

General impression: Quite a popular and insanely expensive ointment.

I consider Bepanten to be an overly expensive cream - it costs around 450-500 rubles. Yes, it is very effective (it heals wounds, burns, and diaper rash in children very well), but not at that price. The active substance is dexpanthenol. There is also Bepanten-plus - it also contains chlorhexidine in addition to dexpanthenol.

In maternity hospitals, Bepanten is highly advertised, although previously, when I gave birth to my first daughter, they used ordinary zinc paste for 20 rubles.

When I gave birth to my second child, I still had to buy a wound-healing cream, but I didn’t take Bepanten, but Dapentol, which is half the price.

Bepanten for scratches, Bepanten for burns

My mother was seriously injured by a cat because the cat scratched her legs. And my mother’s trophism is impaired, so everything heals very poorly. And, in general, my mother’s scratches did not heal. And then my aunt arrived and ordered me to smear Bepanten on the scratches. It’s like everything will go away right away. To be honest, it didn't work. Although the scratches have dried up. But then trophic ulcers still appeared. I don’t know, maybe Bepanten cream helps people with unimpaired trophism, but my mother’s experience was not the most successful.

Okay, Bepanten is lying down, I burn my hand. Why, I think, does Bepanten cream just lie there? Let me rub the burns on them! And she smeared it! And also without delight. Of course, Bepanten dried out all these wet places, but it relieves pain badly! Even, according to my feelings, it makes it even more painful. And the healing burn drags on so much, it’s very unpleasant. So, this Bepanten does not relieve unpleasant sensations. And the Rescuer balm delivers.

In general, the effect of Bepanten cream did not seem very effective to me (I apologize for the tautology). Perhaps Bepanten cream helps in some other cases and for other people (yes, all people are different), but in our family it did not produce the desired effect.

The cost of Bepanten cream is very high, about 600 rubles for a large tube, for that kind of money I won’t buy it again. I’d rather buy Rescuer balm and Actovegin gel and ointment; in my opinion, they have more benefits.

Positive reviews

A good pain reliever.

This painkiller is great for burns and small cuts. I was once advised at a pharmacy and now, if a problem arises, I always use only this remedy, because Bepanten Plus promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Fast healing effective remedy.

I burned my hand with boiling water, resulting in a minor wound. The pharmacy recommended Bepanten Plus cream. I used the cream until the wound completely healed. A very good pain reliever that promotes rapid healing and also protects against infections. There were no allergic reactions during use.

Like most new mothers, I learned about Bepatnet while preparing for the birth of my child. I managed somehow before this. The pharmacy sells both Bepanten ointment and Bepanten cream. The price is about 400-500 rubles for both. I used ointment and cream and didn’t see much difference. Usually the ointment is denser, and the cream is lighter, but in the case of Bepanten it is almost the same density as the ointment.

So, why do you need Bepanten ointment in a house where a newborn lives?

Plus my comments on each point:

  1. Apply to nipples when getting used to breastfeeding. Great advice, really helps. There is only a nuance: if you smeared Bepanten on your chest, don’t put on underwear and clothes right away, walk around with your chest open, it will be absorbed faster and the effect will be much greater.
  2. Use as diaper cream. Well I do not know. if you eat from golden plates and your toilet is encrusted with diamonds, you, of course, can afford and use Bepanten Plus for 400-500 rubles for a diaper, it will last you a week or two.
  3. Use for prickly heat, rashes, and simply for dry areas of the skin - this is just the thing! Helps quickly.
  4. Apply to burn areas. This applies to everyone, not just families with newborns. An excellent remedy for burns, it immediately softens and reduces pain.

In terms of quality, Bepanten ointment deserves a 5+, in terms of efficiency it deserves a 5 (if you don’t smear it under the diaper every time), but because of the price I give it a four. There are many other products with D-panthenol that act in the same way.

  1. without smell
  2. absorbs quickly
  3. heals quickly
  4. quickly heals burns and scratches
  5. you don't have to wash it off
  6. helps a lot

Hello! I want to tell you about Bepanten Plus and how it helped me restore my skin.

Two years ago I decided to get a tattoo. It was small, just an outline. Naturally, after applying the tattoo, it was necessary to take care of it somehow, the tattoo artist immediately wrote down the name Bepanten Plus on a piece of paper and said that this is the most effective remedy for restoring damaged skin.

In our pharmacy Bepanten Plus costs 5 euros per 50g. The cream itself is very thick and quite greasy, odorless, but economical. It was necessary to apply until complete healing 4-5 times a day. The tattoo healed well and there was no irritation. I also smeared my next tattoos with Bepanten. There's still almost a whole tube left! I recommend!

Wound healing ointment Bepanten plus.

Good ointment, I really liked it

This ointment was recommended to me in the maternity hospital. When I first started feeding my baby, I started having problems. And the nurse advised me to apply it to the wounds; the ointment was absorbed instantly. Then just rinse with water and you can safely feed the baby again. Already on the second day, the pain went away, and the wounds began to heal. I also lubricated the baby’s folds when he started getting irritated from the diaper. After the ointment, I sprinkled it with powder, and everything went away quickly. The ointment can also be used for burns and severe scratches. Just a necessary ointment in the house, especially if there are small children in the house.

  1. Heals wounds
  2. regenerates skin

First, I’ll tell you why Bepanten Plus. I don’t like the consistency of a regular cream (very liquid), but the ointment is the opposite (very greasy). But this new third product resembles something in between.

Can be used everywhere nfor example:

  1. heals cuts
  2. fights acne
  3. removes skin flaking
  4. helps with dermatitis
  5. heals small hangnails
  6. relieves heat rash in baby

This is why I constantly buy this cream for home. It contains panthenol (which relieves burns) and chlorhexidine (which disinfects wounds). My son lets me apply this product to his scratches and scratched knees without screaming. They heal much faster and you can see the results the next morning. This tube costs 350 rubles, but it lasts a very long time, so it’s definitely worth buying it!

Recently my second child was born. Diapers, diaper rash, allergic reactions. In my opinion, this, unfortunately, has not yet passed a single newborn baby.

Bepanten plus ointment copes well with these ailments.

In addition, it copes well with bruises and wounds on my eldest daughter. An excellent alternative to pinching greens or iodine. Very soft and light texture upon application.

It also has a cooling effect.

Many mothers, by the way, complain about its high price and try to find an alternative. I want to argue with them. Its price fully justifies its performance. I'm satisfied from "a" to "z".

By the way, I used this ointment with my first child. But with ordinary bepanthen. And with the second one I decided to try Bepanten Plus. The difference, in my opinion, is noticeable. )

My cosmetologist recommended me to use Bepanten Plus. I often do acid peels and deep peels once a year. And this cream helps me to help my skin quickly rehabilitate after a chemical burn (and deep peeling, for example, with trichloroacetic acid, is a real burn). After the procedure, the skin is inflamed, burns, peels - the sensation is terrible, but Bepanten Plus softens, nourishes the face, reduces itching, and relieves pain. This cream can also be used if the skin is dry and needs hydration and nutrition. In winter, for example, it is very good to apply this cream to your face at night.

I am a summer resident, and of course, all season my hands and feet are covered in cuts, cracks and other troubles. I always have a tube of Bepanten Plus on the door of my refrigerator and thanks to it I solve many problems with cuts, cracks, wounds, and inflammatory changes on the skin. Very good cream. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates healing. Copes well with cracks, even deep ones on the heels.

I became acquainted with Bepanten cream almost immediately after the birth of my baby. And I was pleased with it. The baby developed diaper rash and the pediatrician did not recommend Bepanten. I immediately bought it and started applying it to the affected areas of the skin, I was very pleased with the effect, by the morning there was no trace of diaper rash left. While the baby grew out of diapers and diapers, more than one tube was used. I really like how it absorbs. Not greasy, easily and quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes. What happened was that the baby was severely bitten by mosquitoes, the reaction was terrible, the place of the bites simply swollen to enormous sizes. I also used Bepanten, the first thing that was at hand. A day later there was no trace of the bites left.

I also used Bepanten on myself, it is quite helpful in treating burns, and heals small wounds well. Just as it doesn’t sound funny, I smeared this cream on my chapped lips. After applying Bepanten, the burning sensation immediately went away and the lips became soft. I applied Bepanten to my lips at night and washed it off in the morning with lukewarm water, it helps a lot, I recommend it. The price of this cream has increased greatly recently, my child has already grown up and I buy other creams and medications, but it’s a shame that at this price not everyone can afford it

Rating 4.7/5
Price quality
Side effects

Bepanten Plus (Bepanthen plus): 6 doctor reviews, 18 patient reviews, instructions for use, analogues, infographics, 1 release form, prices from 185 to 1393 rubles.

Prices for Bepanten Plus in Moscow pharmacies

cream for external use 50 mg + 5 mg 100 g 1 PC. ≈ 810 rub.
50 mg + 5 mg 30 g 1 PC. ≈ 479 rub.

Reviews from doctors about bepanten plus

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

Heals quickly, has a pleasant consistency, spreads well over the skin, contains an antiseptic, which allows you to use the cream on areas with damage, abrasions, and cuts. The volume lasts a long time. Acceptable price/quality ratio.

A proven drug produced by the original company.

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

An effective drug for stimulating skin regeneration with an additional antiseptic effect, which helps avoid secondary infection. In dermatology it is prescribed for cracks, superficial wounds, and dry damaged skin. It has a pleasant consistency, does not fatten the skin, and does not stick. Tubes of different volumes allow you to select the drug in accordance with the prevalence of the process.

Rating 4.6/5
Price quality
Side effects

An excellent product that stimulates tissue regeneration. There is almost no smell and there is no feeling of a greasy film when applied to the skin. Well tolerated, no side or negative effects were noted during use. Approved for use by pregnant women, children, and adults.

In terms of price-quality ratio, it has shown itself to be adequate, but, unfortunately, not everyone can purchase it.

Rating 4.6/5
Price quality
Side effects

I recommend the drug for wounds of various locations and nature, for infected wounds, it works well for burn lesions with infection. Excellent healing of burns and other wounds.

A slightly overpriced drug. Not all patients can purchase it.

A good drug that works.

Rating 4.2 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

A fairly good drug in terms of the included components and effectiveness in practical use and long-term results. well tolerated by the patient, used in the second phase of the wound process

I did not notice any negative effects. high price

A fairly good drug for the treatment of granulating wounds.

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

A good product used as prescribed by a doctor, it heals well and protects against infection, convenient release form and sufficient volume. Reasonable price and good quality in one bottle.

Recommended for use by children, adults and pregnant women according to clinical indications.

Patient reviews of Bepanten Plus

I vacationed at the seaside last year, the sun was not too hot for a child. As a result, I was badly burned, the skin was very red, I bought Bepanten Plus at the pharmacy, took a small 100 gram package, it was enough for me to prevent hellish pain and improve the appearance of my back when the skin peeled off. The skin soon fell off in layers, usually, as far as I remember, from kefir products, sour cream, for example, the skin peeled off in pieces, but here in whole layers. A very effective remedy for this purpose. I hope none of you burn in the sun like I did, but if this happens, then know that Bepanten will save you.

"Bepanthen Plus" is an indispensable item in the home medicine cabinet. We purchased it about six months ago, the bottle is still not empty, surprisingly due to the fact that we use it regularly. It copes well with household cuts, minor burns, scratches, abrasions and other troubles. It is convenient to apply, the cream is well absorbed and does not stain clothes. Perfectly justifies its price.

I started using Bepanten from the birth of my baby, when I was breastfeeding - the cream saved me from cracks. And I still apply diaper rash to my baby - after 2-3 hours the redness goes away. It is more profitable to buy a larger package, it lasts longer and is cheaper. You can buy this cream in every pharmacy. I like the cream, the ointment is too greasy in its structure, the cream has a soft consistency and not so greasy. I recommend applying the cream under the diaper, but do not put on the diaper right away, but let it soak into the skin for 5-7 minutes. Apply the same to other areas of the skin and wait a while. Great for adults and children. It hasn't caused any allergic reactions in any of my babies.

"Bepanten Plus" is an indispensable remedy in our family. When the child was small, they applied Bepanten for diaper rash, it helped very, very well. If there is any burn or cut, we immediately run to apply it. Disinfects and accelerates wound healing. There is also “Bepanten Plus” spray, very convenient to use. Spray it and it's done.

This is my favorite remedy, it never disappears from our family medicine cabinet, it’s always there. It helps me very well against burns, I love to cook and can almost always burn something on myself or drip hot water. It also helps my kids very well with diaper rash, etc. We have very problematic skin in our family and this works great for us. As a mother of two children and a housewife with my own quirks, I recommend this product. Even the price doesn’t bother me, it’s better to pay more, but so that it helps, than to spend more on something that doesn’t help, and only make yourself worse.

The best remedy, in my opinion, for burns and for healing the skin, was used after getting a tattoo, it helped a lot. On the affected area it creates an oily film that moisturizes the wound, while relieving pain, itching, and redness of the skin. In terms of price, of course, it is not cheap, but in terms of its characteristics it is the best.

This summer we thoughtlessly vacationed at the seaside and got very burnt under the Adler sun. We went to the nearest local pharmacy and were advised to take Bepanthen. The price was really steep, but the burns were even worse and we decided to buy. In the evening we smeared it completely. The product surprisingly did not leave a greasy film. Absorbed with a bang. The next morning the redness had noticeably subsided. The blisters have also dried up. They haven’t grown like they used to. Bepanten really helped us out. Within a couple of days we were sunbathing again. But they continued to smear every evening. Now bepanten will be our companion on our next trip.

My acquaintance with Bepanten cream began in the maternity hospital. On the second day of feeding my son, cracks appeared on his chest, which made the feeding process unbearable. I applied the cream after each feeding; according to the instructions, you don’t have to wash it off, but I washed it off because I was afraid that something harmful would get into the baby’s mouth. After the first application, the cream relieves pain and promotes rapid healing. Already at home, after reading the instructions that this “Bepanten” helps with many skin problems, I used it for burns and abrasions. My son is already a year old and abrasions are inevitable, we apply the cream several times and everything goes away quickly without suppuration. I also smeared Bepanten on my child’s toes in winter; the skin was cracking from the dry air. We also apply cream to our cheeks when going out into the cold.

Bepanten Plus ointment is always in our first aid kit. And she appeared even before the birth of the child. We use it for any redness, irritation, pimples and all that kind of nasty stuff. The ointment also helped me a lot when breastfeeding.

I agree with all the reviews. The cream has only good sides. It helps both me with cracks and my baby with diaper rash. The only thing there is one small drawback is the price. A little expensive for a small tube. But it helps, so I buy it. The texture is delicate, pleasant, the cream is absorbed well, creating a protective film. I only choose him.

My cosmetologist recommended me to use Bepanten Plus. I often do acid peels and deep peels once a year. And this cream helps me to help my skin quickly rehabilitate after a chemical burn (and deep peeling, for example, with trichloroacetic acid, is a real burn). After the procedure, the skin is inflamed, burns, peels - the sensation is terrible, but Bepanten Plus softens, nourishes the face, reduces itching, and relieves pain. This cream can also be used if the skin is dry and needs hydration and nutrition. In winter, for example, it is very good to apply this cream to your face at night.

Bepanten Plus ointment is suitable not only for those occasions when you have a child. I use this ointment when, for example, I have skin irritation from clothes (especially in the summer, in those places where clothes fit tightly - the skin turns red and itchy from sweat). This is not necessarily a children's ointment, it can be used by everyone!

"Bepanten Plus" is an indispensable medicine for those who have children. It is universal, safe to use and very convenient to use. For a young mother, this is an indispensable tool for breastfeeding and caring for the baby. This remedy perfectly relieves redness and diaper rash in babies, and helps mothers cope with discomfort in the chest due to the start of breastfeeding. When children get older, Bepanten is indispensable practically every day - small abrasions, bruises, scratches, bruises - all this begins to heal even with a one-time application of the drug. "Bepanten" does not have a strong odor, does not sting and is easily absorbed - an ideal remedy for mothers and children of any age.

Cool drug "Bepanten plus". I met him while breastfeeding. My daughter sucked the breast incorrectly, and I had no experience with this yet, and the doctor recommended Bepanten to me. It heals cracked nipples very well. And now I will not part with him. Even when children have some kind of skin irritation, I use it.

As a child, I received skin burns, and the only medicine on hand was Bepanten Plus, which, as it turned out, had expired. I don’t know why, but the decision was made to be treated with it. I remember that already on the second day the skin no longer burned as much, although in addition to Bepanthen Plus there were regular compresses with aloe juice. The ointment has a very specific smell, which is probably not suitable for everyone. But the effect was obvious - after five days the burns disappeared and new skin grew on the affected areas. And not so long ago, my sister was scratched by a cat. I gave her Bepanten Plus, which I bought recently. So she treated them for not deep scratches for 2 weeks and said that “Rescuer” was much more useful.

I am a young mother and two years ago I gave birth to a daughter. In the maternity hospital, I put my daughter to the breast incorrectly and cracked nipples appeared, they became red, they hurt - it was terrible. I even thought about switching to artificial feeding, but the pediatrician recommended Bepanten Plus ointment. The redness went away, the cracks disappeared, I fed my daughter with pleasure. I also smeared it on diaper rash, it is greasy and practically odorless. And even now this is our assistant - any wound, broken knee or just an abrasion - we only apply it.

Initially, I started using regular Bepanten. When the child grew up, she decided to switch to using Bepanten Plus. This is a must-have cream at home. We need it almost constantly, especially in the summer. The cream is made in Germany and you can feel it. Everything that the manufacturer of the cream stated is really present in it. I use it to lubricate all scratches, wounds, and abrasions. Believe it or not, by morning they begin to tighten. I also use it to lubricate minor household burns that I get from cooking on the stove. In winter, I even use Bepanten Plus as a treatment for hands chapped in the cold. Universal assistant.

Since I am raising two children, I come across this kind of medicine almost every day. We used Bepanten from birth, when the children grew up, a pharmacist friend recommended Bepanten plus cream as more effective. Indeed, we lived all summer with this cream, which turned out to be universal in use. They used it to treat scratches, abrasions, broken knees, sunburn, and even mosquito bites. It is worth noting the speed of action of this drug. Also important was the absence of a strong odor and quick absorption (mothers will understand me). The only drawback is the price, but the drug is worth it.

Release forms

Dosage Packing Storage Sale Best before date
3,5; 30; 100

Instructions for use of bepanten plus

Short description

Bepanten plus (chlorhexidine + dexpanthenol) is a tissue regeneration stimulator for topical use. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects. The pharmacological effect of the drug is determined by the effects of its constituent components. Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that live on the skin or get on them due to contamination of the wound surface. In this case, dexpanthenol acts as a prodrug: penetrating the skin, it is converted into pantothenic acid, which, in turn, is involved both in the proliferation of skin cells and in their restoration after damaging effects. Bepanten plus eliminates pain due to its local hypothermic effect. When applied to a wound surface, it protects it from infection, promoting rapid healing. The texture of the cream ensures its easy application and removal from the skin. Does not leave greasy stains on clothes and does not stick. Indicated for small household wounds to reduce the risk of infection (minor abrasions and scratches, shallow incised wounds, excoriations, cracks, burns with a small area of ​​damage), superficial skin infections, cracked nipples during lactation, long-term non-healing leg ulcers, necrosis of soft tissues as a result constant pressure (bedsores), surgical wounds. Frequency of application: depending on the situation, the cream can be applied several times a day. Conditions for application: clean wound surface. Bepanten plus can be applied under an occlusive dressing. Possible side effects: allergic reactions. Bepanten Plus is not intended for application to the ears and deep wounds with heavy microbial contamination.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications to the use of the drug. After applying the cream, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid getting it in your eyes. Bepanten plus is not intended for oral administration. Wounds with a large area and depth of damage, bites, tissue damage, in which the depth of the wound channel exceeds the width of the entrance hole, require medical intervention to avoid the development of tetanus. If, despite regular use of Bepanten Plus, the wounds do not heal within 10-14 days, or if there is severe hyperemia in the area of ​​the wound edges, swelling, severe pain, or increased body temperature, you should seek medical advice. An overdose of Bepanten Plus is impossible if the rules for its application are followed. The drug is not recommended for use simultaneously with other antiseptics. Bepanten plus is effective in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children. In clinical studies, after seven days, a decrease in the titer of Staphylococcus aureus to 103 was recorded, and after two weeks, most patients experienced elimination of skin itching. As auxiliary components, Bepanten Plus includes lanolin, which in its composition is similar to the natural secretion product of the sebaceous glands - sebum. Lanolin creates a protective film on the damaged skin surface, thereby protecting it from aggressive environmental factors and dehydration. Bepanten Plus does not contain dyes, fragrances, flavors or preservatives. The use of this drug in all cases helps to suppress inflammation, skin regeneration, improve blood circulation in the capillary bed, and neutralize microorganisms.


A drug with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration-improving effects for external use.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is active against bacteria that are usually present on the skin or that have entered the skin as a result of contamination of the wound.

Dexpanthenol in skin cells quickly turns into pantothenic acid, which plays an important role in both the formation and healing of damaged skin.

The drug reduces pain due to its cooling effect. When applied to the surface of a wound, it protects against infection, promoting healing.

Easy to apply and wash off. The cream is non-greasy and does not stick.


Release form

Cream for external use from white to white with a yellowish tint, homogeneous, soft, matte, with a weak characteristic odor.

1 g
dexpanthenol 50 mg
chlorhexidine hydrochloride 5 mg

Excipients: pantolactone - 5 mg, cetyl alcohol - 36 mg, stearyl alcohol - 24 mg, lanolin - 30 mg, white soft paraffin - 100 mg, liquid paraffin - 100 mg, macrogol stearate - 30 mg, purified water - up to 1 g .

3.5 g - aluminum tubes with a polyethylene spout (1) - cardboard packs.
30 g - aluminum tubes with a polyethylene spout (1) - cardboard packs.
100 g - aluminum tubes with a polyethylene spout (1) - cardboard packs.


The cream is applied in a thin layer 1 or several times a day to a previously cleaned wound surface or to inflamed areas of the skin. Treatment of wounds can be carried out either openly or using dressings.



Side effects

Allergic reactions: possible urticaria, itching.


  1. small wounds with a risk of infection (abrasions, scratches, small cuts and scratches, cracks, minor burns);
  2. infected superficial skin lesions;
  3. cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  4. chronic wounds (for example, trophic leg ulcers, bedsores);
  5. surgical wounds.


  1. for the treatment or treatment of the auricle;
  2. in case of severe, deep and heavily contaminated wounds (such injuries require medical intervention);
  3. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but its use on large surfaces of the skin should be avoided.

special instructions

Avoid getting the cream into your eyes. Cannot be taken orally.

Large, heavily contaminated and deep wounds, as well as bite and puncture wounds, require medical intervention (due to the risk of developing tetanus).

If the size of the wound remains consistently large for some time or the wound does not heal within 10-14 days, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary. This is also necessary if the edges of the wound are severely hyperemic, the wound suddenly swells, severe pain appears, or the injury is accompanied by fever (due to the risk of developing sepsis).

The description is valid on 21.05.2014

  1. Latin name: Bepanthen Plus
  2. ATX code: D08AC52
  3. Active substance: Dexpanthenol + Chlorhex >

Composition of Bepanten

The composition of Bepanten Plus cream is as follows: 1 g of cream contains 50 mg dexpanthenol, 5 mg chlorhexidine dihydrochloride. The product also contains additional substances: cetyl alcohol, DL-pantolactone, stearyl alcohol, liquid paraffin, white soft paraffin, lanolin, polyoxyl 40 stearate, water.

Release form

Bepanten cream – opaque, homogeneous, has a color from white to yellow-white, has a specific weak odor. Sold in 30g tubes in cardboard packaging.

pharmachologic effect

The cream has a regenerating, analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride is an antiseptic that has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive bacteria, in particular strains Staphylococcus aureus, which most often provoke the development of infectious skin diseases. This component is less active against gram-negative pathogenic organisms. It has no antiviral activity and has a weak antifungal effect.

Dexpanthenol is the active component of the drug. Once in the skin cells, it is processed into pantothenic acid and has the same effect as the vitamin. If the product is applied topically, dexpanthenol is absorbed more actively compared to pantothenic acid.

Pantothenic acid is directly involved in cell metabolism, so it promotes the healing of damaged skin, mucous membranes and the formation of epithelium.

Not marked absorption of chlorhexidine through intact skin. Only minimal absorption of chlorhexidine is observed through the skin; there is no detailed information about its distribution in the body. If chlorhexidine is taken orally, the highest concentration is observed approximately 30 minutes after administration. After oral administration, chlorhexidine is excreted almost completely from the body in feces.

Dexpanthenol absorbed by the skin, in the cells of which it is converted into pantothenic acid. It binds to plasma proteins in the blood. The acid does not break down in the body and is completely excreted unchanged. About 70% of the substance is excreted in the urine, the rest in feces.

Indications for use

The product is used for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Superficial skin lesions where there is a risk of infection. These are cuts, cracks, scratches, burns, dermatitis, pyoderma.
  2. Chronic skin damage: bedsores, trophic ulcers.
  3. Skin infections, incl. neurodermatitis and secondary infected eczema.
  4. The appearance of cracked nipples during breastfeeding.
  5. It is used in the treatment of surgical wounds and injuries in minimally invasive surgery.


The drug is not used to treat those who have hypersensitivity to any of the components of this drug. It is not allowed to apply cream to perforated eardrum.

Side effects

Allergic manifestations may be observed as adverse reactions, in particular, dermatitis, itching, eczema, erythema, rash, blisters, hives, skin irritation, swelling.

Rarely, manifestations of hypersensitivity may occur: anaphylactic reactions, as well as anaphylactic shock. Such manifestations in the form of asthma syndrome, damage to the respiratory system, skin, and cardiac system can be potentially life-threatening.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

If the patient uses Bepanten Plus cream, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. The instructions for Bepanten Plus for adults and children over 1 year of age are as follows: the ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin that have previously been cleansed. You can apply the product once a day, but if necessary (for example, when using it on nipples), it can be applied several times. In this case, the daily dose of Bepanten Plus should not be more than 5 g.

If there is such a need, you can use bandages with cream. How long treatment should last and how often the cream should be applied depends on the type of injury and the characteristics of the disease. You should consult your doctor about this. The cream should not be used on large areas of skin.


When used locally, there are no descriptions of cases of overdose.

Dexpanthenol It is well tolerated by the body even in high doses and is not toxic. There is a description of leveling up aminotransferases due to poisoning chlorhexidine.

Sometimes after repeated application of the product to the same areas of the skin, irritation is noted.

It is important to apply the drug only to superficial skin lesions.


Chlorhexidine is not compatible with saponifiers, as well as with any other anionic compounds.

You should not practice treatment with Bepanten Plus cream at the same time as other antiseptic drugs to prevent their simultaneous effect on the body.

Terms of sale

You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

The cream should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

The drug can be stored for 3 years.

special instructions

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the eyes. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes thoroughly with water.

It is not recommended to use the cream to treat irritated skin surfaces when the risk of infection is minimal. Do not use face or body cream for sunburn. In such a situation, it is better to use it for treating burnt surfaces. Bepanten. In case of allergic reactions without infectious complications, it is not advisable to use the cream.

If you have large, contaminated wounds, or wounds caused by puncture bites, you should first consult a doctor.

If the wound does not heal within 10 days, the swelling does not disappear, the secretion of pus increases, pain appears, the prescription of the drug should be reconsidered. In the process of treating wounds from which copious amounts of pus are released, the drug is not used.


Analogues of Bepanten Plus

An analogue of Bepanten Plus cream is a drug that has a similar effect on the body.

Analogues of the drug are considered Hexicon, Amident, Lavasept, Chlorhexidine, Citeal, D-Panthenol. You can use any of these drugs instead of Bepanten Plus cream only after a doctor’s prescription.


Bepanten Plus is not used for newborns during treatment. If necessary, skin care is applied Bepanten cream for newborns. In this case, the instructions must be strictly followed.

For children

It is used to treat children who are already one year old.

During pregnancy and lactation

During the study of the use of the drug in animals, no negative effects on embryos were found. However, there is no exact data on the use of Bepanten Plus cream on large surfaces of the skin during pregnancy, so it is not advisable to do this.

Can be used by women while breastfeeding. However, the product should not be applied directly during feeding. Before starting feeding, you must remove all remaining cream and wash the nipples thoroughly with water.

Reviews for Bepanten Plus

Reviews of Bepanten Plus cream are often left by those patients who note its positive effects. It is mentioned that the cream has a more pronounced antiseptic effect than Bepanten. It is often used as a baby cream when a child's skin is irritated and at risk of infection.

The product promotes rapid healing and partial pain relief of wounds. Young mothers note the effectiveness of the product for healing wounds and cracked nipples. The cream can be used on the face in case of irritation and minor wounds. In particular, reviews note that Bepanten Plus promotes the healing of chapped lips and facial skin. It is also noted that Bepanten should be used for stretch marks.

Price Bepanten Plus, where to buy

The price of Bepanten Plus cream in pharmacies is on average 310-340 rubles per 30 g. How much the cream costs in Ukraine should be found out at specific points of sale, but on average its price is 65-80 UAH.