Is it possible to sunbathe your face in a solarium?


Is your dream bronze, smooth skin? To achieve this result, you don’t have to spend long hours under the sweltering sun. The most effective and simple solution available at any time of the year is tanning in a solarium. After several sessions, the skin acquires a chocolate tint, even if it is naturally pale. The main thing is to know how to sunbathe in a solarium.

Instilled a tan in the solarium

First of all, the girl should visit a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to tanning. It is not recommended if you have hypertension, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the skin, liver, or thyroid gland. Tanning can be harmful if a woman undergoes hormonal therapy, takes antibiotics, diuretics, or psychotropic drugs.

In order for the skin to acquire a noble color, you need to follow certain rules:


  1. Use only special cosmetics for solariums that have protective properties that activate the pigmentation process. Sun tanning products are not suitable.
  2. Before the procedure, do not shower or use soap so that the skin is not left without a protective fatty film. There is also no need to epilate.
  3. To get a good tan, wash off makeup from your face and skin, otherwise it may contribute to the formation of age spots.
  4. Before the session, remove your contact lenses. To protect your eyes, special glasses are offered everywhere, which you should definitely use.
  5. Panties should be left on the body, the bra should be removed, and it is recommended to protect the nipples with special stickers or cover them with the palms of your hands.
  6. After the procedure, rest, shower, and use a moisturizer to replenish moisture.

How long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium?

The dark color on the skin appears due to irradiation of the body with long waves during the production of melanin. The intensity depends on the power of the lamps, the number of sessions and other factors. When does tanning appear after solarium? The time depends on the skin type and the amount of melanin content. For dark-skinned women, the result is visible after the first procedure; for others, more sessions are required. If a girl is just starting to tan, a certain amount of pigment must first accumulate. After each procedure, the tanning time is reduced and the stability increases.


Chocolate skin is the dream of many women, but not everyone has the opportunity to spend time and money on trips to the sea. A solarium is a suitable solution. In just a couple of hours you will get an even tan, and the amount paid for it is not so great. Another plus, suitable for a business woman, is the speed, because often it only takes 10-15 minutes to get tanned skin. However, there are a number of restrictions that must be observed after tanning.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse/sauna after solarium?

In winter, when the intensity of the sun's rays decreases, many people, like birds, tend to the south to sunbathe and relax. Others prefer solariums. Since it’s cold outside, baths and saunas are not inferior to solariums in popularity, but how exactly can they be combined?


Dermatologists are confident that there is no particular risk in going to the bathhouse after a solarium, because in the latter the temperature of human skin is not greatly affected, which means that additional “sweating” will not affect the person’s condition. However, dermatologists believe that the reverse order (solarium after sauna) is quite dangerous for a person, since after steaming and immersing in water, a person partially washes off his natural protection from UV radiation, which means he risks getting skin irritation or irritation in the solarium. even burns.

Can I wash immediately after tanning or should I wait?

A shower after a solarium is a good thing, but not right away. Wait 2 hours if you only used sunscreen, or 4 hours if you used enhancers such as bronzers and the like.


It is not recommended to use washcloths or scrubs. UV rays damage the skin, any additional exposure can make the situation worse.

Unlike a shower after a solarium, you should not arrange water procedures before a solarium. If you rinse in the shower in the morning, then without using scrubs and gels that could damage the natural protection of the skin.

Is it possible to sunbathe during your period?

If we are talking about natural tanning in the sun, then please, but not in the most active phases. A solarium is prohibited, since the rays there are directed and not scattered, as in sunlight. Such a tan can lead to complications and pain.


Is it possible to sunbathe topless?

No, taking off your swimsuit is strictly prohibited. The problem is that the skin on the chest is extremely sensitive to any radiation, which means the risk of skin diseases, including breast cancer, increases.

Can I take my mobile phone with me?

UV radiation and radiation from telephone devices do not interfere with each other in any way. Therefore, it is not forbidden to take a mobile phone with you. Of course, the connection may not be perfect, but this is not due to radiation, but due to the thick walls of the booth.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

If your skin is fair, it is recommended to visit the solarium no more than twice a week until it darkens, then you can reduce the interval and go every other day. The first session should be no more than 3 minutes, after which the time increases, based on the sensitivity of the skin.

Is it possible to get burned in a solarium?

Yes, you can, that’s why you can’t stay there for a long time, otherwise you’ll get burned. Tanning bed burns are no more dangerous than sunburns. Of course, you will have to wait a while until the skin recovers, but there is nothing wrong with that.


Is it possible to sunbathe without glasses?

Not recommended. Sunglasses prevent directed UV rays from reaching your eyes. The retina of the eye is not designed for such a load, if you sunbathe without glasses and open your eyes (and it is quite difficult to keep them closed for a long time in strong light), you risk getting a burn.

Is it possible to sunbathe without cream?

The cream is needed to change the shade or for a quick tan. You may not use the cream during the procedure. However, it is recommended to apply a soothing cream after tanning to help regenerate skin cells. This could be a special cream after solarium or just a moisturizing gel. The main thing is that the substance is not aimed at cleansing the skin: scrubs and cleansing gels can seriously damage sensitive skin.


Appearance of redness

Many girls complain that redness appears after tanning. This is due to the skin's sensitivity to UV rays. If the redness is painful, you are most likely sunburned. In this case, you can use panthenol to speed up skin healing. If the redness is not painful (and there is no discomfort at all), it is likely that you used a cream that stimulates blood circulation. In this case, the redness will go away on its own after some time.

Do I need to use stickini?

Stikini is a nipple-sized sticker to protect the delicate skin of the areola from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you have a fairly thick swimsuit, you don’t have to use stikinis, otherwise it is recommended not to risk it and stick them under the swimsuit.


Peeling skin

People with dry skin experience flaking and dry skin after tanning. In this case, it is recommended to use moisturizers after tanning. You can also apply soothing masks or special oils to soften the effects of UV radiation.

Is it possible to visit a solarium with bruises and abrasions?

Of course, if you have been seriously beaten (God forbid!), visiting a solarium is not recommended. This applies to large lesions and skin lesions that occupy a significant surface of the body. In other cases, scratches and bruises do not interfere with visiting the solarium.


Is it possible to sunbathe with a lot of moles?

Doctors do not recommend this practice because radiation may stimulate growth and/or unhealthy processes in the case of moles. If you still need to visit a solarium, cover problem areas with a strong protective cream to reduce the risks.

At what age can you sunbathe in a solarium?

You can sunbathe from about three years old. Of course, sun rays do not harm a child even at an earlier age, but a solarium, where UV radiation is directed directly at a person, is not recommended. Also, children have a reduced time spent in the booth, since their skin is more sensitive compared to adults. If possible, try to delay as much as possible the moment when the child needs to go to the solarium. Of course, before a special event, you can make a similar trip, but if there is any possible alternative, refuse to do so in order to reduce the risks.


How long after tanning can you peel?

There are several options for how long you need to wait after a tanning salon. If you are going to do superficial peeling, 2-3 days are enough; for deeper cleansing, it is recommended to wait about a month. In addition, the meaning of a solarium is lost if you immediately “cleanse” your face of it using peeling.

How long after solarium can you sunbathe?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you can’t sunbathe after a solarium for about 2 days, since a solarium and sun rays in one day is a huge burden on the skin. Moreover, you will not immediately see a bronze tan on yourself after a solarium; it needs time to fully manifest itself. Such diligence can lead to burns on the skin, not to mention irritation.


Is it possible to visit a solarium while taking antibiotics?

It is forbidden. Some types of antibiotics are not compatible with ultraviolet radiation. This combination may cause skin irritation. After taking a course of antibiotics, you need to wait about 7-10 days so that the substances are completely eliminated from the body and do not interact with UV rays. For more effective cleansing, it is recommended to drink more liquid.

Is it possible to get heatstroke?

If you visit a professional solarium, special channels must be installed in the booths to remove heat. Heat stroke occurs not due to radiation, but due to overheating, so in a solarium the risk of getting a stroke is minimal.


Is it possible to use certain products to increase the intensity of tanning?

You can, of course, eat more foods containing vitamin D, but it is far from certain that they will greatly affect the intensity. However, you can make your tan more yellowish (reddish) by taking more vitamin C, either natural (carrots) or artificial (vitamins/pills).

Is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy and lactation?

During pregnancy, visiting a solarium is not prohibited, but it is not recommended. The skin is more sensitive during this period, so UV rays may not have the same effect that the mother experienced when in contact with them previously. During lactation, you can sunbathe, but not with your breasts exposed (in a swimsuit, not even in a swimsuit), as some doctors believe that the composition of milk may change under the influence of UV radiation.


Can solarium increase blood pressure?

Yes maybe. A person is in a supine position, in one position for quite a long time.

The temperature is slightly elevated, so people with a tendency to hypertension experience an increase in blood pressure.

Is it possible to have an allergy?

There is a disease called photodermatitis. Photodermatitis occurs due to increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight (UV radiation), and is therefore also known as “sun allergy”. In this case, the allergy manifests itself in the form of blisters, redness, peeling or itching. Typically, such diseases are detected at an early age, so manifestations of the disease in a solarium are unlikely.

Before and after solarium

Despite all the restrictions, very few solarium visitors fall into these categories, and the result encourages more and more girls to get a bronze tan in a similar way. See for yourself by looking at the solarium clients before and after in the photo:

In this material we will not report on those “secrets” of visiting a solarium that are already known. In particular, on the topic of how to choose the right cream for a solarium, how to find out the tanning time in a solarium, and in general - is it worth sunbathing in a solarium at all? We address those secrets of tanning in a solarium that are not familiar to all representatives of the fair sex - probably only regular visitors to the solarium know them!

  1. How to avoid the effect of “white ears”, circles from glasses and a coffee-brown face?
  2. How to save money on a hat and stickini?
  3. How to produce an attractive panty shadow?

Secrets of buying cosmetics for a solarium

Solariums usually sell a variety of tanning cosmetics. It is not easy to understand, but too simple. Don't forget: the cream you need for tanning in a solarium is face cream! Immediately purchase a large jar of face cream. For some reason, the administrators at the solarium don’t really like him - maybe because the main income comes from other cosmetics? In addition to face cream, buy body cream. You will need this cream to sunbathe in a solarium in only two cases:

  1. Cream for the initial days of tanning - take a small package for tanning in a solarium, it will be necessary for the first two or three sessions;
  2. Cream for significantly tanned skin - and here it is much better to take a larger tube so that you can tan in the solarium for a long time. Always buy protective lipstick for the tanning salon - then I will write what else, besides lips, you may need it for when you sunbathe.

Do you need to buy luxury cosmetics to sunbathe in a solarium, or is it possible to get it cheaper? Expensive cosmetics are easier to apply, although in other respects, I assure you, there is practically no difference! With either product, the tan comes out wonderful!

Secrets of tanning your face in a solarium

To tan beautifully in a solarium, you need to use a special face cream - it will protect your skin from photoaging! Apply it immediately before sunbathing in a solarium. Remember to wear protective lipstick on your lips.

Pink lamps in the solarium

Beware of solariums with special pink bulbs that are designed for active tanning of the face and décolleté. The thing is that the body will tan in a solarium more slowly than the face, and it’s easiest to get sunburned under these lamps! If you don’t want to frighten passers-by with your brick-brown face, avoid pink lamps, or keep your sessions shorter.

How to avoid getting a dark face?

However, even under simple lamps, it is possible to acquire an excessively dark complexion if you sunbathe in a solarium. Agree that in winter it looks the brightest and most unnatural. There are no solariums exclusively for the body yet (in rare settlements there are solariums “exclusively for the legs” - although this is an exception to the rule), this problem can be solved with a simple towel. While tanning, you regularly cover your face with a clean towel. It is more comfortable to do this in a horizontal solarium, although it is possible to practice in a vertical one.

Glasses in a solarium are a necessary accessory, although if you sunbathe in a solarium according to all the rules and wear glasses throughout the entire procedure, there will definitely be circles on your face! As a result of this: while in the solarium, you should regularly take off your glasses, cover your eyes with your hands, and then for a couple of minutes and decisively remove them - let your face tan evenly.

Hair protection in solarium

Hair in a solarium is usually protected with disposable caps, which are sold in the establishment itself. But besides you, no one else will use this cap - as a result, you can use it until it becomes completely unusable. When putting on a cap to sunbathe in the solarium, do not forget to leave your ears and forehead open, otherwise they will remain white.

Protecting your breasts in the solarium

Stikini for protecting nipples in a solarium is an important thing, although quite expensive if you sunbathe in a solarium all the time. What to do in this case? Use protective lipstick for tanning salons - apply it carefully to your nipples! I assure you that this is good protection, because after using the lipstick, the characteristic tanned spots do not remain on the body.

Tanning your body in a solarium

Tanning lipstick can help you protect moles, age spots and tattoos - they are prohibited from sunbathing!

Panties for solarium

It’s rare that anyone goes to sunbathe in a solarium without any underwear at all, however, few manage to find an attractive shadow from underpants. “I was sunbathing in these panties, here in others, and here I was wearing the wrong ones.” As a result, there are a lot of not very beautiful stripes on the body. There is one secret to sunbathing in a solarium - special panties for solariums! Buy cotton thongs that will directly highlight the shadow you need. You can find inexpensive ones. And go sunbathe in the solarium only in these!

When you are in the solarium, do not be afraid to smear cream on your panties - since later you will not mind boiling them. Before entering the solarium, carefully smooth your panties on your body so that they match your existing tan - thus, the lines will become perfectly emphasized! What about your back? Before going to the solarium, you can apply the cream to everything except your back. What should I do? But no way! The back and since it will be necessary to sunbathe in a solarium - it is absolutely not necessary to lubricate it! The transition of the cream to the back is absolutely unnoticeable. Moreover, you definitely won’t be able to smear it properly, but it’s quite possible to create a bad mood in this way.

If you have lubricated your body, wipe your palms thoroughly with a wet napkin. Often there is a little bit of self-tanning in the cream - and after visiting a solarium you can get brown palms.

How to sunbathe in a solarium?

You will not get either fungus or scabies if you sunbathe in a solarium and use my advice:

  1. Before entering the solarium, take a wet napkin in your hands and wipe everything you touch: handrails, floor...
  2. After leaving the solarium, wipe your palms and feet with a wet cloth.
  3. Be sure to take a shower at home. Now you have learned all the secrets of how to sunbathe in a solarium. Have a beautiful tan and body!