Wrinkles at 33 years old photo

Cosmetology has come so far that today we can even cope with wrinkles! But alas, some signs of aging still reveal a woman’s true age, even if she looks great. Today we will talk about the most important “traitors” and, of course, give valuable advice on how to deal with them in order to stay young and beautiful longer.

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1. Nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds can become your problem as early as twenty-five, so the sooner you start fighting, the better.

What to do: The most effective methods today are bioreinforcement and biorevitalization, and for very deep folds - fillers with hyaluronic acid.

2. Dark circles under the eyes

The main reason for the well-known bruises under the eyes, and, among other things, crow’s feet, is thin skin in this area of ​​the face with a minimal layer of fat. Often we simply ignore problems in this area, pushing them into the background, despite the fact that a mature, middle-aged look immediately adds extra years.

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What to do: At an early stage, folk remedies that stimulate blood circulation will come to the rescue - compresses from green tea or herbal decoction, ice cubes, as well as various preparations with caffeine, blueberry, plantain, and arnica extracts.

If the process has already started, products with AHA acids, retinol, peptides or hyaluronic acid will become your friends. And try treatments from a cosmetologist such as peelings, mesotherapy, Thermage and Fraxel.

3. Skin color

The young lady’s skin literally glows from within and has an even tone. However, over time, the process of skin cell renewal slows down, making the complexion duller and pigmentation much more noticeable.

What to do: In the initial stages, whitening face creams help fight pigmentation, and good sleep helps with dullness. Next - photorejuvenation and Fraxel. And don’t forget to regularly use cream with SPF, take care of your health, and get enough sleep, of course.

4. Oval face

The problem of “floating” outlines is largely the result of heredity. Sometimes at 30, sometimes at 35, or even later, but there comes a period when the skin in the chin area begins to sag. Further, violations of the oval of the face only continue to intensify, and by the age of 45, the chances of violations are already 80%.

What to do: Facial gymnastics would be an ideal prevention. Well, if the situation requires serious intervention, chin reinforcement and thread strengthening will come to your aid. And by the way, changes in the oval of the face can be caused not only by the aging process, but also, for example, by the presence of hormonal disorders, so consulting a gynecologist will not hurt.

5. Hands

No matter how perfectly smooth our face may be, our main calling card always insidiously betrays us. Pigment spots, wrinkles, protruding veins - these are the main companions of age. In addition, the nails become thinner and more fragile, and yellow pigments appear on them, which, firstly, is not very aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, it also hints at the real numbers in the passport.

What to do: About 80% of characteristic age-related changes on the hands are caused by exposure to ultraviolet solar radiation. Use special sunscreens regularly and be sure to wear gloves when doing any work around the house or garden. And, of course, a laconic manicure in neutral, noble shades will visually give your hands freshness.

6. Neck

One of the most mobile parts of the body is also one of the most susceptible to age-related changes. However, as in the situation with circles under the eyes, they remember about this problem only at the moment when it already makes itself felt quite clearly.

What to do: Posture plays a big role in neck problems. Slouching only adds a fold or two, so we always pay attention to the shoulders and head position. In the fight against folds and wrinkles in this area, cosmetology also offers plasma lifting, ultrasonic lifting and fillers.

7. Excess weight

Unnecessary kilograms not only provoke the appearance of signs of age both outside and inside, they also visually make us older. Add to this poor posture and we get an extra ten years to age.

What to do: You need to fight excess weight smoothly and gradually. If unnecessary volumes are a genetic problem, it is best to resort to an individual consultation with a nutritionist. If this is the result of late-night gluttons and stormy weekends, we take the principles of proper nutrition as a basis and run to the gym. If desired, you can reinforce the result with procedures: lipolysis, cavitation and ozone therapy.




Age characteristics of a person

If we talk about external signs, the easiest way to determine a woman’s age is by her neck and décolleté. Since the skin in these areas is delicate and thin, it is highly sensitive to negative external influences, and age leaves quite noticeable marks on it.

Wrinkles on the face are the result of the actions of facial muscles, while the neck muscle weakens from the lack of any movement. This is why the skin on the neck fades relatively early. So if you see imperfect, slightly sagging skin on the neck, this may indicate that its owner has celebrated her thirtieth birthday or is close to it.

The eyes also make it possible to roughly determine a woman's age. There are no important sebaceous glands in the eye area, which makes the skin in this area vulnerable to negative environmental influences. Wrinkles, swelling, circles under the eyes - all this indicates that this is no longer a twenty-year-old girl.

Of course, it is always possible to find out a woman’s age through social networks, but usually only very young girls honestly indicate their age.

How else can you find out a girl's age?

If we talk about other features of appearance, it is necessary to mention the differences in the use of cosmetics. So girls seventeen to twenty years old usually prefer bright, elaborate makeup. After twenty years, girls try to emphasize the features of their face with makeup, and not hide it behind decorative cosmetics. By the age of thirty, women sometimes return to brighter makeup, which allows them to hide the appearance of wrinkles and attract the necessary attention of men.

You can also guess a woman's age based on her clothes. Young girls try to express themselves through bright clothes with complex or strange cuts, and they often choose complex, unusual hairstyles. Girls of twenty try to look mature and respectable, so their wardrobe and hairstyles become classic and natural. Women of thirty, as a rule, perfectly shape their image and look more sophisticated. In addition, in the appearance of a thirty-year-old woman you can often see something unique, inherent only to her.

The list of interests on social networks also allows you to make a fairly accurate guess about the girl’s age. The older she is, the more logical and orderly such lists are.

Of course, you can and should meet women of different ages in different places. For example, very young girls prefer loud discos where they can dance to their heart's content. Twenty-year-old girls choose interesting and prestigious clubs where they can make useful contacts. And thirty-year-olds prefer cozy, unusual establishments.

Yes, I'm 33 and this is such a horror
The deck a year ago was just Dysport in the forehead
I was afraid around the eyes because there are paint bags
The cosmetologist suggests mesobotox, supposedly the concentration is less but the effect lasts for 2 months
That all other procedures around the eyes only improve the condition of the skin but do not get rid of wrinkles
What are you doing ?! Just around the eyes?